However this photo is not from that appointment.
Throughout our lives we have been so blessed with friendships and ministry opportunities. This blog is meant to share what God has been doing in, for and through us. It is also used as a resource page for teaching and preaching Dave has had the opportunity to do. We do this for the purpose of GLORIFYING GOD and HELPING OTHERS GLORIFY GOD.
Link to Various Pages
Doctor appointments
However this photo is not from that appointment.
A Lesson from the Living Room Couch
Classes. Mission. and other things.
Actually our time here @ BBC&S has been very busy.
Sitting on the couch, recovering from surgery has forced me to slow down a little bit.
"Never get so busy doing the work of the kingdom that you forget who the King is."
A temporarily slowed down life, this quote and much more have me thinking about our time @ BBC&S.
I have been very thankful for my experience here.
Especially the fact that the professors at the seminary stress the importance of a personal relationship along with a knowledge of the Bible.
I have also loved being able to take the things I have been learning in classes and applying them @ the Scranton Rescue Mission.
Health Update from the Rodgers family
The due date is May 7th, graduation day here @ BBC.
The boys are very excited to have a younger brother or sister.
Also, on Friday I am scheduled to have surgery on my left foot.
- I have a cyst on my ankle that needs to be removed.
- Two of my toes are going to be straigntened out.
Josiah Preaching
some of the girls in the middle floor lounge.
All is quiet in Northeastern PA
Krista and the women from Vibbard have gone camping.
From Krista phone report this morning, things have been going well.
It was very strange to have a quiet dorm on a Saturday night during the school year.
Camping Trip
Please pray for the weather, safety and especially for the women as they spend time building relationships with each other during this time.
09.11 - In the midst of Pain, Suffering and Affliction
Every Tuesday Missionary Flights International would bring the mail to Santiago Christian School.
On this particular mail day I received a copy of The Hidden Smile of God, a book on suffering, pain and affliction, from my brother-in-law.
Several years later, my copy of the book was destroyed in a fire @ Emmanuel Christian School.
Through the difficulties of both of these situations William Cowper's poem "God Moves in Mysterious Ways" speaks volumes to me about God and His goodness even in the midst of difficult times.
The poem is below and the link to the online version of the book is above.
God Moves in Mysterious Ways
William Cowper (1731–1800)
God moves in a mysterious way,
His wonders to perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.
Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill,
He treasures up his bright designs,
And works his sovereign will.
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take,
The clouds ye so much dread
are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust him for his grace;
Behind a frowning providence,
He hides a smiling face.
His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.
Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan his work in vain;
God is his own interpreter,
And he will make it plain.
Start of the Semester
Krista had a very busy week of leadership training last week. But it was a good time to reconnect with this years RAs and dorm leaders.
They developed the dorm theme of PERFECT PROFILE:
Finding the Face of God in His Book.
The theme passage is Psalm 62.
Please pray that the 24 new women in our dorm and the other 25 women will grow closer to God as the live in community in Vibbard Hall.
Don't start until September 7.
I will be taking Hebrew and Pastoral Epistles (1 & 2 Timothy, Titus).
Things at the mission have been going great.
You can read about some of the prayer requests and praise @ the mission prayer site:
Joel attended Big Blue Soccer @ BBC and is now playing in the Abington Youth Soccer League.
Pictures can be found at:
Josiah is excited he gets to attend Cubbies @ Heritage and preschool @ Jackson Hall.
Both of the boys are very excited the semester has started up because they are able to see all their "sisters" in the dorm.
Steamtown pictures:
BBC Lumber Company:
Our camping trip:
If these links don't work please let me know.
My activities and priorities
From Thursday to Sunday night I have been to Philadelphia and back to Clarks Summit, then to Pittsburgh and back to Clarks Summit and then to Rochester, NY and back to Clarks Summit. (over 1400 miles of driving or riding in a car.
- Thursday - I went to Lincoln Financial Field to see the Philadelphia Eagles lose to the New England Patriots in my first ever live football game. O.K. I know it was only preseason.
- Friday and Saturday - Drove out to Pittsburgh and dropped the boys of at grammy's house for the week with her and Aunt Deb and cousins Jacob and Nolan.
- Sunday - Travelled with Krista to Rochester, NY to attend the celebration service of a 37 year old college friend who passed away very unexpectedly.
I light of these events and one of the tributes shared @ Keith's Celebration service, I have been evaluating life's priorities and I wanted to share some insights with you.
Priorities in rank of importance:
1. Live life in such a way that God is glorified. This is done first and foremost through personal, life changing relationship with Jesus.
2. Remember the importance of spending time with family.
Much further down on the list: NFL football. There are so many things that are more important than an NFL football.
Our Trip out west & TLC (teen leadership conference)
From Saturday (07.11) through Monday (07.20), Krista, the boys and I went to visit family and friends out west (western PA and Toledo, OH).
We spent a couple of days @ the church camp Dave went as a teen. It was great to spend time with friends and family.
After that we went out to Toledo and got to spend time with Krista's family.
(There are some pictures below)
TLC (teen leadership conference):
Last week and this week I have been doing a workshop @ TLC.
It is entitled:
Helping the Hurting, Homeless or Hopeless Where You Live
The following is the link to the official TLC website:
The following is the link to the website I am using for my workshop:
Please be praying for the seminar and TLC in general.
The boys and their cousins at the Toledo Zoo.
Joel fishing.
Josiah at the dock fishing.
The boys and the neighbors in grampa's backyard staring down the slip and slide.
The boys and grammy.
The end of June Update
Some of you may have heard about David's July 10th surgery. This surgery has been cancelled and will be probably be rescheduled in October. Below are some pictures of different things that have gone on in our lives this summer.
Rodgers family at the Scranton/Wilkes Barre Yankees Game
Joel standing in front of a tree on campus @ BBC. We had a storm on Friday, June 26 that knocked many trees on campus.
Josiah surgery/recovery and other things
Thankfully it well. Presently, he is not talking as much as usual but he does enjoy popsicles and ice cream.
Please continue to pray for his recover.
This summer, and I use that term loosely because it hasn't been much like summer, we have had some good day trips. Knoebels, an amusement park. Scranton-Wilkes Barre Yankees game. Sight and Sound Theater.
We had a great time with my sister and her boys.
Along with that work at the mission has been going well. Please pray for the services at the Scranton Rescue Mission on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.
Especially be praying for the resident program in Wilkes-Barre.
Our Father in Heaven
We read a devotional called "The Perfect Dad." At one point in the devotional Krista asked Josiah who our father in heaven is. With a quick response he said "God." What followed was a very thoughtful look, a couple of seconds and another answer. "And Pappy" (which is what we call David's dad).
For those who don't know, my dad passed away several years ago. Well, reflecting back on Josiah's answer I realized two things:
- It was not very theological sound. O.K. so I am a seminary student.
- It brought joy to my heart. I am very thankful that my earthly father is in heaven. I know that this is by grace that he has been saved through faith - and this not from himsef, it is the gift of my heavenly father. (adapted from Ephesians 2:8).
Pray for Josiah. He is having his tonsils and adenoids removed on June 18th.
No More Shots
He said my sugar levels and other numbers have been improving.
I do not need to take insulin shots. I am continuing with medication and diet.
This is great news for someone who hates needles and shots.
Also, tomorrow night is a big senior social on campus. BBCs Got Talent. Be praying for preparation and last minute details.
Worship services & Doctor Appointment
If you want to find out how to more specifically prayer for the rescue mission.
Tomorrow I have my 6 month appointment regarding my diabetes. One of the big things we will be discussing is a certain number, I cannot remember which one. If the number is at a good level I will probably have surgery on my feet this summer.
Proskuneo Worship Service
5:30 at the Scranton Rescue Mission. This is an evangelistic service.
8:30 at BBC.
Please be praying for these services.
Doctor visit, Toledo visit and More classes.
We are looking forward to going back to Toledo next weekend (03.14-03.17).
This Monday I started two more classes online.
Now I am taking 7 credits during this spring semester
Daniel/Revelation; Training others in Evangelism; Acts (online) and Contemporary Theological Issues (online).
We are in the process of adding some things to the Scranton Rescue Mission webpage. One addition is a prayer page.
If you are interested in updates regarding the ministry of the mission go to and click on the prayer link.
In Akron, OH hearing about God's Transforming Power
The seminar is being hosted by Haven of Rest (
As I think about the amazing ministry opportunity God's has given me at the Scranton Rescue Mission.
Please remember to be praying for the missions in Scranton and Wilkes-Barre.
It has been a great time and I am looking forward to tomorrow's (Wednesday) sessions. I am especially looking forward to getting back home to my family.
Super Bowl
I was very excited that the Steelers won.
I was also VERY EXCITED about the opportunity I had to share the Gospel @ Heritage Baptist Church's FanZone event. I spoke to the middle school students upstairs.
This was the report the youth pastor sent out the next day.
Our annual Fanzone Outreach here at Heritage has always been designed to bring glory to God. By working together as an entire church body, we are able to provide an excellent, positive environment where Heritage students can watch the game with unsaved friends and be assured that those friends will hear the Gospel clearly and creatively. This year, we officially partnered with Summit Baptist Bible Church and enjoyed great blessings from the combined prayers and resources of God’s people.
More than 200 students and adults passed through our doors for Fanzone last Sunday night. Many of those individuals were students from the Clarks Summit area who do not attend Gospel-preaching local churches. Upstairs in our auditorium, the 7-8 grade students enjoyed watching the game, as well as participating in activities like GaGa Ball, ping-pong, video games, and the Moon Bounce. Meanwhile, in the Youth Wing downstairs, 9-12 grade teens played video games, ping pong, wrestled in Sumo Suits, and enjoyed the football game on our big screens also. At the conclusion of the halftime Gospel presentations (by Dave Rodgers and Ken Gardoski), students were encouraged to respond by finding an adult or a Christian friend if they wanted to know more about a relationship with Christ. At least 8 students indicated that they accepted Christ as their personal Savior during the invitation. Throughout the rest of the evening, many teenagers and adults had conversations with guests who had questions about spiritual matters. I believe God will use those conversations to further impact our teenage community for His name in the coming days, weeks, and months. Before the end of the evening, each of our guests also received an copy of the Scriptures, as well as more information about how to receive Christ (not to mention all the other amazing prizes!).
Joel and Josiah also enjoyed the event and the game. Joel made Steeler signs for the family and after the game Josiah was running around throwing a football at people while saying he was Ben Rosibergie.
2nd Semester 2009
We had a good break visiting family and spending time together here as a family.
Regretably, the weekend we were in Toledo, church was cancelled. We missed visiting with friends that Sunday.
A couple of quick updates about past blogs...
- My sugar levels have been lower. I have actually had a couple of low sugar readings.
- The Wyoming Valley Rescue Mission is now meeting on Monday nights in our new building in Wilkes Barre. We are hoping to start the residency program in a couple of months. Be praying for all the details with this.
- Monday - Training Others in Evangelism
- Tuesday - Daniel/Revelation
- Online - Contemporary Theological Issues
- Online - Acts
I also have a ministry opportunity to speak @ our churches Fanzone Party on Feb. 1st.
Krista's ministry in the dorm is going well.
She is actually sitting in on a Women Counseling Women class that will assist her in her current and future ministries.
I know she would appreciate your continued prayers as she ministers in Vibbard Hall.
Joel and Josiah are doing great.
Just on a side note: