I want you to know that I am not suggesting Regular Neglect as a devotional strategy.
Yesterday, I posted about how God spoke to me through the Bible.
Click HERE to read that post.
Here is one part of that post...
God spoke to me through His Word.
Through Bible verses I was memorizing while serving the children and families at EBC.
Through Bible verses I found on my youversion app.
Through Bible verses I skipped over in my morning devotions. I will share this encouraging story tomorrow.
Here is how God used Bible verses I didn't read to bless me.
As I mentioned yesterday, I did a search for the word "trouble" in my Bible app (youversion) and many verses showed up.
I noticed FOUR verses came from the same chapter, Psalm 107.
I read these verses and the entire chapter and it was a great encouragement.
I noted some things in my journal Bible and texted the picture above to Krista with the following message
Here is some of the stuff I have been doing and reading. Check out Psalm 107. Look for things repeated.
She responded back
Yes! I read this the other day! And give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing Love and wonderful deeds toward men is repeated! I love vs. 43 too!!What? She read the same Psalm the other day in her devotional time.
She did, and maybe you did, if you are using New Morning Mercies for your devotional time.
We have been reading New Morning Mercies as a family in the morning at breakfast.
The morning of January 10 was a difficult morning.
We were running behind. So I quickly read the devotional but didn't take the time to read the Bible passage, not a proud moment for a pastor of children and family ministry.
Here is the Devotional from January 10, note the "For further study and encouragement"
The DNA of joy is thankfulness.
Have you noticed that entitled, complaining people don’t happen to be very joyful?
I wish I always
carried it with me.
I wished it always
shaped the way
I look at life.
I wish it directed
my desires.
I wish it was
the natural inclination of
my heart.
I wish remembering
your boundless grace
would silence
my grumbling.
I wish
my worship of you,
my trust of you,
my rest in you
would drive away
all complaint.
If my heart is ever
going to be freed of
and ruled by gratitude,
I need your grace:
grace to remember,
grace to see,
grace that produces
a heart of humble joy.
For further study and encouragement: Psalm 107
These kind of connections in my Bible reading don't always happen.
But being in the Word of God consistently provides the opportunity for times like this to happen.