
A Dragon in My Nativity?!?!

The first six days of Visual Theology's Advent reading focus on the fact that we need a Savior.

  • December 1st reading (Genesis 1:1-31) showed that before anything else God was.  This world is all about Him.
  • December 2nd reading (Genesis 3:1-13) focused on the fall of Man, the sin of Adam and Eve.
  • December 3rd reading (Genesis 6:1-8) showed that all people before the flood were sinful and deserved God's wrath.
  • December 5th reading (Psalm 51:1-19) contains King David's reflection on and repentance of his sin.
  • December 6th reading (Romans 3:9-20) shows that ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.

The Gospel Coalition and Speak Life released a short video entitled "There's a Dragon in My Nativity," which does a good job of reminding us of the sin problem we all have.

At Christmas time, we often think about "good little" boys and girls receiving gifts from Santa Claus and others.
When in reality undeserving sinners receive God's gracious gift of His only begotten son, who would suffer, die, rise from the dead, ascend in into heaven and will return one day.
At Christmas, amid the lights and stars, let's remember Jesus came to glorify God and die for our sins.

While we haven't been as consistent as I would like with the Advent reading, we are still taking time to remind our family about God's purpose revealed in the Christmas story.