
Spring classes 2024

The Adult Christian Education classes are designed for Biblical Discipleship.  Part of this discipleship happens through intentional teaching and meaningful membership - "the commitment Christians make to keep one another accountable for regularly gathering and centering their lives together on the Gospel." (Alex Duke, Crossway Link)

The four-chair model is an illustration used to show what active membership/Biblical discipleship involves.

In this model, the chairs do not represent places of rest and inactivity.  Each chair represents a stage in the growth process.  There is a movement to the right. 
Members of Trinity need to be evangelizing, sharing the Gospel, at their places of work, at their schools, with their neighbors, and in their families.  The message of the Gospel will be preached at church services and it can be shared in so many different places.

The goal of ACE is to provide the education and training needed to establish, edify, and equip believers to never become too comfortable with where they are right now.  

Our Sunday morning classes help Christ-followers move along the Establish - Edify - Equip process.  We know that throughout our lives we need to be continually established, edified, and equipped.  

  • Classes that ENGAGE God’s FOUNDATION are designed to establish believers in the basics of the Christian faith and Trinity life.
  • Classes that ENGAGE God's WORD are designed to edify believers who desire to know the Bible better.
  • Classes that ENGAGE God's WORLD are designed to edify believers who desire to know how God's Word connects to our lives and the world at large.
  • Classes that ENGAGE God's WORK are designed to equip believers who are ready to invest and help others grow spiritually.
(This description of the ACE classes at Trinity was originally posted February 2023)

The classes offered each quarter are intentionally meant to grow disciples and make more disciples. With this intentionality in mind, some classes are REPEATED more often.  This quarter's Stewardship and Missions/Evangelism are repeated because the topic is part of Trinity's heartbeat and we want each of us to grow in these areas.

In joining a class, you are taking a step toward growing spiritually and connecting with other believers.  

With that general description of the ACE classes, here are the three classes offered this spring.

Stewardship (Engaging God’s Work) - Fireplace Room Stewardship is taking responsibility for the things the Lord has entrusted to us. Being faithful with the time, money, and other gifts God has given us.  This will examine how to be faithful in these things.  We pray this class will help you glorify God in using His gifts.

Song of Solomon (Engaging God's Word) - Chapel
This course is an introduction to studying Wisdom Literature in the Old Testament. It is for believers in all walks of life: single, married, with kids, or without kids. We will discuss the importance of how this text points us to God while giving us a foundation for thinking about marriage.

Go Tell It (Engaging God's World) - ACE Room #3
Missions and Evangelism are not programs, classes, committees, or merely parts of a church. Proclaiming the Gospel HERE and THERE should be in the culture of the church and in the heart and life of every member of Trinity. This class will focus on the principles and practices of Missions and Evangelism. The second part of the class will have two options: How to Share the Gospel and What It Means to Be Sure of Your Salvation.



 Q8  Do You Still Grieve Over Sin?

“The closer you get to Jesus, the more you will hate sin, for nothing is more unlike Christ than sin.”

What is Paul saying in 1 Timothy 1:15?

“It is not the absence of sin but the grieving over it which distinguishes the child of God from empty professors [of faith].”

What does the mean for our testimony in this lost, sinful world?

“Excessive introspection is itself a sinful possibility.  But the spirit of the age certainly doesn’t incline us to go to extremes in brooding over our sin.”

What does this mean?

“Christians are lifelong repenters and lifelong believers.”

Why is this true?

Passage to consider:  2 Corinthians 7:8-11

What should I do if I do not grieve over sin?

Make sure you understand the gospel of the New Testament.

Ask God to show you the reality of your sins.

Pray slowly through Psalm 51

Meditate on the fact that your sin nailed the holy, sinless One from heaven to the cross.

Preach the gospel to yourself every day.
