
The Shepherd's Staff / God's Most Successful Setback - December 16

The first reading is for family with children.
The second reading is from  Good News of Great Joy at Desiring God 

The Shepherd’s Staff: The Shepherds Come to Jesus

On the night when Jesus was born, there were some shepherds watching their sheep in a field nearby. Suddenly, the sky above them filled with glorious light and an angel appeared! When they saw this, the shepherds were scared. But the angel told them not to be afraid because he had a message of very good news for everyone. He wanted them to know that a Savior was born in the town of Bethlehem. He invited them to go and find the baby, who was wrapped in cloth and lying in a manger. Then the whole sky filled with brilliant angels singing praises to God and proclaiming peace to his people. When the angels went back to heaven, the shepherds went all the way to Bethlehem in a big hurry to find the baby Jesus! Would you have liked to go and see the baby Jesus? When they found him, they told everyone what the angels said: that Jesus would be a great Savior. They stood and looked at that teeny, tiny baby and they believed that he would save God’s people. Then they returned to their sheep in the field, praising God for sending Jesus to the world.
Dear God, we praise you for sending Jesus into the world, too! Thank you for giving us a Savior who would give us peace with you. Amen.
Bible Readings: Isaiah 40:1-11; Ephesians 2:12-18

Another Advent Reading Plan is Good News of Great Joy 
by John Piper

You can watch an introduction video and/or download the whole book at www.desiringgod.org/books/good-news-of-great-joy

You can also get the daily reading at www.desiringgod.org/articles/god-s-most-successful-setback


The Shepherd / Lie and Death at Christmas - December 15

The first reading is for family with children.
The second reading is from  Good News of Great Joy at Desiring God 

The Shepherd


We are about to learn about the shepherds in the story of Jesus’ birth. Do you know what a shepherd’s job is? A shepherd’s job is to take care of sheep. Taking care of sheep is a lot of work. Sheep need fresh, green grass to eat; they need cool water to drink; they need somewhere to sleep; and they need someone to protect them from other animals. If there isn’t a shepherd to take care of the sheep, the sheep are in big trouble. We learn from the Bible that we are like sheep–we have all gone astray and gotten lost. Jesus is like our good shepherd who finds us, gives us what we need, and protects us. He even gave up his life to save us! When Jesus calls us, we listen to his voice like the sheep listen to the shepherd. Advent is a good time to remember that he is our shepherd and to listen to him.
 Dear Jesus, you are such a good shepherd to us! Please help us to be good listeners to your voice now and always. Amen. 
Bible Readings: John 10:1-18; Hebrews 13:20-21

Another Advent Reading Plan is Good News of Great Joy 
by John Piper

You can watch an introduction video and/or download the whole book at www.desiringgod.org/books/good-news-of-great-joy


Second Sheep / Making it feel real - December 14

The first reading is for family with children.
The second reading is from  Good News of Great Joy at Desiring God 

The Second Sheep


During Advent we celebrate when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and we wait for him to come again. When Jesus was on earth, he told many stories about what God is like. One of his stories was about a shepherd who had 100 sheep. That’s a lot of sheep! One of the shepherd’s sheep wandered away and was lost. What do you think the shepherd did? He left the other 99 sheep in a field and went to look for the one who was lost. When he found that sheep, do you think he was angry? Do you think he scolded the sheep, or disciplined it? No! He picked it up and brought it back home to the field, where he had a joyful party to celebrate the return of his little lost sheep. Jesus said that is just like the joy in heaven when one sinner repents and returns to God. Jesus told this story because some people didn’t like it that he was being kind to sinners. He wanted them to know that God loves sinners, and that Jesus was born to save sinners–like us–from our sins.
Dear Jesus, we want to remember why you came into our world: to save us when we were lost. We praise you because you are kind to us and show us mercy. Amen. 
Bible Readings: Ezekiel 34:11-16; Luke 19:1-10

Another Advent Reading Plan is Good News of Great Joy 
by John Piper

You can watch an introduction video and/or download the whole book at www.desiringgod.org/books/good-news-of-great-joy


Chapter 6 of Holiness Growth

Image result for holiness ryle "Growth in grace"

Welcome to the 6th week of reading the book Holiness.
This week's chapter is Growth.

This book has provided some great challenges for my personal life and my ministry.
If you are or have already read the book 
I would love to hear about some of your insights.

For general info about the reading schedule go to 

Here are the questions for this sixth chapter.

GENERAL (Questions for each chapter)
1.  What is a quote or two from Chapter 6 that stood out to you?

2.  What was something this chapter said about God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?

3. What was something this chapter said about man?

4.  What was something this chapter said about how a Christian is to live?  
Think general and specific applications.

SPECIFIC (Questions specific to this chapter)

5.  What is religious growth and how does it happen?


6.  What is the most significant thing that you learned from this chapter?

For more specific questions on this chapter through chapter 10 

Additional Resources:
Tim Challies wrote about this chapter at

The Cow / The Final Reality is Here - December 13

The first reading is for family with children.
The second reading is from  Good News of Great Joy at Desiring God 

The Cow

Joseph and Mary were on a long journey. They were going to Bethlehem to be counted. When Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem, they tried to find a place where they could stay. But many, many people were traveling to the city. It was crowded. Joseph and Mary found an inn, but there was no room for them there. What could they do? Mary was about to have the baby Jesus! Finally Joseph and Mary found a place to stay. It wasn’t a very fancy place–it may even have been a stable, or a barn! Does a barn sound like the kind of place for a great king to be born? God’s plan is sometimes very surprising. When he came to be born into our world Jesus humbled himself so much. He was obedient to God even when it meant being poor. He became poor so that we could become rich in him.
Dear Jesus, you are the Son of God and the greatest king and yet you humbled yourself. There is no other god like you! We praise you. Amen. 
Bible Readings: 2 Corinthians 8:1-9; Philippians 2:3-11

Another Advent Reading Plan is Good News of Great Joy 
by John Piper

You can watch an introduction video and/or download the whole book at www.desiringgod.org/books/good-news-of-great-joy


The Donkey / Replacing the Shadows - December 12

The first reading is for family with children.
The second reading is from  Good News of Great Joy at Desiring God 

The Donkey

Do you remember that in the Old Testament there was a powerful king named David? Joseph was one of David’s descendants–he was from Bethlehem, the city of David. Long ago God had said that Jesus would come into the family of King David and would be born in Bethlehem. This is how God fulfilled that promise: Around the time that Jesus was going to be born, the ruler of all the land commanded that everyone go to their home city to be counted. So Joseph and Mary had to make a journey to Bethlehem. It was a long journey, about 70 or 80 miles. It would have taken them a long time, maybe a week. Joseph and Mary might have walked the whole way. Or they might have had a donkey to help them. Maybe Mary even rode on the donkey when she was tired. Because God always keeps his promises, Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem just before Jesus was born.
Dear God, We praise you because you always keep your word. We can see how you are in control of all events, big and small. Amen. 
Bible Readings: 2 Samuel 7:8-16; Micah 5:1-5

Another Advent Reading Plan is Good News of Great Joy 
by John Piper

You can watch an introduction video and/or download the whole book at www.desiringgod.org/books/good-news-of-great-joy
You can also get the daily reading at https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/replacing-the-shadows


Joseph / Why Jesus Came - December 11

The first reading is for family with children.
The second reading is from  Good News of Great Joy at Desiring God



Joseph was planning to marry Mary. Before they were married, Joseph had a visit from an angel in a dream. The angel told him that Mary was going to have a baby that came from the Holy Spirit. The angel said to name the baby Jesus, but Jesus was also called “Immanuel,” which means, “God with us.” Joseph would be with Mary, but he wasn’t really the father of Jesus. Jesus was the Son of God. The Bible tells us that Jesus was with God before the world was created. He was always with God. What makes Christmas so special is that we are remembering when God sent Jesus down to us. Jesus became a human child so that he might be with us.
Dear Jesus, We thank you that, even though you are the Son of God, you came down to be a human like we are in order to save us from our sins. Amen. 
Bible Readings: Joshua 1:1-9; Colossians 1:15-20

Another Advent Reading Plan is Good News of Great Joy 
by John Piper

You can watch an introduction video and/or download the whole book at www.desiringgod.org/books/good-news-of-great-joy
You can also get the daily reading at www.desiringgod.org/articles/why-jesus-came


10 Commandments for Guest Friendly Church Members

For more about these Ten Commandements for Guest Friendly Church Members click HERE

1.   Thou shalt pray for people in the services whom you don’t recognize.
2.   Thou shalt smile.
3.   Thou shalt not sit on the ends of the rows.
4.   Thou shalt not fill up the back rows first.
5.   Thou shalt have ushers to help seat the guests.
6.   Thou shalt offer assistance to guests.
7.   Thou shalt not gather too long in your holy huddles.
8.   Thou shalt offer your seats to guests.
9.   Thou shalt not save seats.
10.  Thou shalt greet someone you don’t know

The Dove / Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh - December 10

The first reading is for family with children.
The second reading is from  Good News of Great Joy at Desiring God 

The Dove

During Advent we are not celebrating Jesus alone. We are worshipping our one God in three persons: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a part of Christmas, too. Every baby that is born has a human daddy and a human mommy. But Jesus was a very special baby. He came from God. Before he was born God put Jesus into Mary’s belly by the Holy Spirit. This meant that Jesus was holy. When he was born he had no sin. It also meant that, even though he was born as a human baby, he was also the Son of God. God’s Holy Spirit that came to Mary was with Jesus all of his life on earth. The Holy Spirit is also with us–we who believe in Jesus. The dove is a symbol of God’s Holy Spirit.
Dear God, Thank you for sending Jesus down to us, to become a human baby. Thank you for your Holy Spirit, who works in amazing ways. Amen. 
Bible Readings: Matthew 3:13-17; John 1:9-18

Another Advent Reading Plan is Good News of Great Joy 
by John Piper

You can watch an introduction video and/or download the whole book at www.desiringgod.org/books/good-news-of-great-joy
You can also get the daily reading at www.desiringgod.org/articles/gold-frankincense-and-myrrh