
40 Books Over 10 Months.

One of the benefits of my current warehouse job is the opportunity to listen to podcasts, sermons, music, and books.
Recently I realized over the last 10 months I have listened to a lot of different books.
Here are the 42 audiobooks I have listened to.
  1. Amazing Grace by Metaxas
  2. Bonhoeffer by Metaxas
  3. Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky
  4. Center Church by Keller
  5. Counter Culture by Platt
  6. Discipling by Dever 
  7. Discipleship by Tozer
  8. Expository Exultation by Piper
  9. Fahrenheit 451 by Bradbury
  10. Forever by Tripp
  11. Gaining by Losing by Greear
  12. George MacDonald by Lewis
  13. George Whitefield by Dallimore
  14. Gospel According to God by MacArthur
  15. Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Dever
  16. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinner by Bunyan
  17. The Great Divorce by Lewis
  18. Heaven is a Place on Earth by Wittmer
  19. How the Nations Rage by Leeman
  20. It's Not Supposed to Be This Way by TerKeurst
  21. Jesus Continued by Greear
  22. John Calvin and His Passion for the Majesty of God by Piper
  23. Les Miserables by Hugo
  24. Letters to the Church by Chan
  25. Life Together by Bonhoeffer
  26. Lord of the Rings:  Fellowship of the Rings by Tolkien
  27. Lord of the Rings:  The Two Towers by Tolkien
  28. Lord of the Rings:  Return of the King by Tolkien
  29. Missions by Johnson
  30. A Peculiar Glory by Piper
  31. Parables by MacArthur
  32. Prayer by Tozer
  33. Reading the Bible Supernaturally by Piper
  34. Reset by Murray
  35. A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards by Marsden
  36. Suffering by Tripp
  37. Tale of Two Cities by Dickens
  38. Tech-Wise Family by Crouch
  39. Unsaved Christian by Inserra
  40. Unstuck by Perman
  41. When the Darkness Will Not Lift by Piper
  42. Your Best Year Ever by Hyatt