Recently I realized over the last 10 months I have listened to a lot of different books.
Here are the 42 audiobooks I have listened to.
- Amazing Grace by Metaxas
- Bonhoeffer by Metaxas
- Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky
- Center Church by Keller
- Counter Culture by Platt
- Discipling by Dever
- Discipleship by Tozer
- Expository Exultation by Piper
- Fahrenheit 451 by Bradbury
- Forever by Tripp
- Gaining by Losing by Greear
- George MacDonald by Lewis
- George Whitefield by Dallimore
- Gospel According to God by MacArthur
- Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Dever
- Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinner by Bunyan
- The Great Divorce by Lewis
- Heaven is a Place on Earth by Wittmer
- How the Nations Rage by Leeman
- It's Not Supposed to Be This Way by TerKeurst
- Jesus Continued by Greear
- John Calvin and His Passion for the Majesty of God by Piper
- Les Miserables by Hugo
- Letters to the Church by Chan
- Life Together by Bonhoeffer
- Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings by Tolkien
- Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers by Tolkien
- Lord of the Rings: Return of the King by Tolkien
- Missions by Johnson
- A Peculiar Glory by Piper
- Parables by MacArthur
- Prayer by Tozer
- Reading the Bible Supernaturally by Piper
- Reset by Murray
- A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards by Marsden
- Suffering by Tripp
- Tale of Two Cities by Dickens
- Tech-Wise Family by Crouch
- Unsaved Christian by Inserra
- Unstuck by Perman
- When the Darkness Will Not Lift by Piper
- Your Best Year Ever by Hyatt