
Spirit Empowered Sundays

This Sunday at West Cannon Baptist Church is unique.
This is the first Sunday with new screens, projectors, and cameras for streaming the service.
While this is unique, it is not what will make the service powerful!

This Sunday at West Cannon Baptist Church is special.
This is Mother's Day and Parents/Child Dedication Sunday.  
While this is a special day, it is not what will make the service powerful!

The command to the church in Ephesians 5:17-21 serves as a reminder of what will make the service powerful!
17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, 19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,20 giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 21 submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
God, the Holy Spirit, working in and through the church, God's people, as we sing songs of praise, give thanks to God the Father, and submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

That is a church gathering where God, in His Trinitarian glory, is glorified.

Now I know what some people might be thinking.  By good people I mean those who read that explanation above and thought "But where is the Bible in that church gathering?  You didn't say anything about the Bible."

In working through the material for West Cannon Baptist Church's unified study, I have been challenged how little some churches think about, talk about and study the Holy Spirit.  This is sometimes because of concern over doctrinal error in churches that overemphasize the Holy Spirit.  
It can also be a result of churches elevating the Bible to the third part of the Trinity.  

Whatever the reason, it is wrong.
As I write the last post I want to share a couple of thoughts about the Theology Matters unified study.
First of all, I want to thank Zach Horn for all of his hard work in developing the lesson resources for the teachers.  These notes are available at www.drodgersjr.com/p/unified-study.html.  I am also thankful for the teachers.

Second, I know this was a lot of material to cover in four weeks but here is what I pray the study did.

  1. Helped you see that the Bible is from God, without error and our ultimate authority - Week 1.
  2. Helped you understand the God is knowable and unknowable.  There are things about God that we can truly know because He has made them known in His Word.  There are also things we will not fully know and understand about God because He is infinite - Week 2, 3, and 4.
Bottomline, it is my prayer this study grew in you and our church, our love for God and our desire to know Him more.
There are resources to help you and others know Him more at www.drodgersjr.com/p/theology-matters-resources.html


Serve Pray Love

Last night and next Wednesday night (05.16), I would like to use our FIGHT NIGHT Bible study times to help families learn some ways to use the Fighter Verses with their families this summer and beyond.  

To begin the evening small groups, led by a father, went through the verses of Romans 12:11-13.
The moved to various stations through the church and had several minutes to talk about some questions and share prayer requests.

The questions were in yesterday's post but I want to share them again in this post and connect them with what we talked about during the devotional time at the end of the night.

You can do this same family time or something similar thing with your at home.
What I shared in the devotion time is in italics after each set of questions.  

Romans 12:11 "Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord" 
5 minutes for filling in the blanks on the verse sheet, answering the following four questions, praying that you and your family would be hard workers.
If there is time left talking about the difference be hard worker & laziness

1. What are some animals that appear busy and hard-working?
2. What are some animals that appear lazy?
3. Who are some hardworking people you know?
4. What are some ways you waste time and are lazy?

Some busy hard, hard-working animals we mentioned were bees, ants, and beavers.
Some of the lazy animals were the sloth and some bears because they are slow and hibernate a long time.  I mention a slug.

Proverbs 6:6 - 11, a passage of laziness and hard work, begins with the following observation.
"Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise."
Romans 12:11 tells to work hard and serve the LORD.  
The first verse of this chapter, command to "present your bodies as a living sacrifice."
Our hard work needs to be done in God's strength for God's glory.  

The idea of the word "fervent" is fired up. John MacArthur writes in his commentary of Romans 9-16 "The idea here is not of being overheated to the point of boiling over and out of control but like a steam engine, of having enough heart to produce the energy necessary to get the work done."

Romans 12:12 "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer" 
5 minutes doing the following two activities, praying for these requests.
If there is time left talking about your favorite songs about Jesus.

1. Take some time on the back of this paper or the other to write down some joys you have to rejoice about.
2. Take some time on the back of this paper or the other paper to write down some troubles you are currently facing.

Romans 12:12a says "Rejoice in hope."
Psalm 71:5 say "For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O LORD, from my youth."

So we need to rejoice in the LORD, who is supposed to be our hope.
My hope is not in created stuff or circumstances.
My hope is in the Creator and the One who controls everything.

We can be patient in our tribulations and troubles because we know that God wins!!

Because our hope and joy is in the LORD and we know that he provides for His children,

we need to constantly depend upon Him through prayer and the way we live.


12:13 "Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality"
5 minutes for filling in the blanks on the verse sheet,
answering the following five questions, and
if there is time left planning out some of the ways you can encourage your neighbors..

1. Church
A. Think about some ways your family can help someone from church this week.
B. Pick at least one and plan to do it. 

2. Neighborhood
A. What is something you like about your neighborhood?
B. Who do you know in your neighborhood?
C. Think about some ways you family can encourage people in your neighborhood this summer.

Because God loves us, we need to love others.  
Our attitude towards Sunday mornings and other church ministries should be to glorify God and help others to do the same.  
Parents, our main priority when talking to your child about Sunday classes should not be to find out if they had fun.  


Spirit Empowered Equippers

"Disciples are made by the persevering proclamation of the Word of God by the people of God in prayerful dependence on the Spirit of God."  from The Vine Project 

Pray that each member of West Cannon Baptist Church will 
persevere in the faithful proclamation of the Word of God 
in prayerful dependence on the Spirit of God.

Two books that have greatly influenced my ministry philosophy are
The Trellis and the Vine, which explains difference between vine work, "the prayerful preaching and teaching of the word of God to see people converted and grow to maturity as disciples of Christ - Vine work is the Great Commission" and trellis work "creating and maintaining the physical and organizational structures and programs that support vine work and its growth."
The Vine Project, which helps churches think through how to implement the ideas from The Trellis and The Vine.

HERE is a detailed summary of the main questions of The Vine Project
1.  Why make disciples?
2.  What is a disciple?
3.  How are disciples made?
4.  Who makes disciples?
5.  Where are disciples made?

Here is a video review/explanation of the book.


This World Is Not My Home

As some of you know I enjoy journaling.  Over the years it has helped me prayerfully process things.
You may have noticed a trend on this blog.  
Some posts are written about specific things going on at West Cannon Baptist Church but I am trying to write in such a way that they could be used by anyone. 
Other posts are written about the Rodgers family.  These include books and verses that have been an encouragement to me.  There are also family update posts designed to keep family and friends updated on what is going on in our lives.

This is one of those family updates and man there has been a lot going on.  This post only covers a small part of that.


Here are some pictures of the beautiful house we are renting.
Eric and Jessica have generously rented this house to us while they are looking to sell and we are looking to buy.
Today there was a showing.
For the Eric and Jessica, pray that the house will sell.  If this is the buyer, God be glorified!  If not, bring someone soon for them.
For the Rodgers, pray for wisdom and patience as we continue looking for a house.  God be glorified.

The house has been an amazing blessing to us and we are so thankful.
As you look at the pictures, please note how clean even the bedrooms are.


I am not pointing out these things to show you the Rodgers family's Facebook perfect lives.
I am pointing these things out to remind each of us that everything on Facebook is often not as true to real life.

When we moved into the Eric and Jessica's house, we knew that a major part of the time would be having the house ready for showing.  Overall, I think we have done pretty well with getting it ready.
Last night that was not necessarily true.
A little more stress than usual.  There may have even been some arguing.  O.K. there was some arguing.

Then today I was working on the Fighter Verses study for tonight and Romans 12:12 just keeps punching me in the gut.

I will rejoice when we know where we are living.
Eric will rejoice when his house is sold.

Eric and I need to be patient during this waiting time.

We need to be constantly in prayer during this whole process. 

From an earthly point of view, praying for this whole thing is difficult.
If the house sells before we have a house what are we going to do?
From a God-glorifying point of view, knowing what to pray is very easy. 
God, your will be done and your glory be made known in this world.
The living it out part is more challenging.

Pray that I would remember 2 Corinthians 5:8, 9

I don't know what God has in store for me and my family but I do know that my hope and satisfaction need to be found in Him!

Spirit Empowered Kids and Teens

Pray that our children's ministry and REACH Student ministries will be Spirit-empowered and help the children and students depend upon the Holy Spirit.

Pray that parents, leaders, and teachers of our children and teens would serve one another, pray to God and love their church and community.

Tonight's Fight Night study is going to include a prayer "walk" around the building and a look at this week's Fighter Verses, Romans 12:11-13.  The time is designed to help everyone, especially parents and children, prayerfully think about Serving, Praying, and Loving.

Here is what the Group Leader Guide for the activity time of the study.  The devotional teaching notes are HERE.

Group Leader Guide:
The goal is not to get through all the questions and activities in 5 minutes.
The goal is to begin conversations about serving, praying and
loving others.

Roman 12:11 questions 
Five minutes for filling in the blanks on the verse sheet,
answering the following four questions,
praying that you and your family would be hard workers and
if there is time left talking about the difference be hard worker & laziness

1. What are some animals that appear busy and hard-working?
2. What are some animals that appear lazy?
3. Who are some hardworking people you know?
4. What are some ways you waste time and are lazy?

Romans 12:12 questions
Five minutes doing the following two activities,
praying for these requests and
if there is time left talking about your favorite songs about Jesus.

1. Take some time on the back of this paper or the other to write down some joys you have to rejoice about.
2. Take some time on the back of this paper or the other paper to write down some troubles you are currently facing.

Romans 12:13 questions
Five minutes for filling in the blanks on the verse sheet,
answering the following five questions, and
if there is time left planning out some of the ways you can encourage your neighbors..

1. Church
A. Think about some ways your family can help someone from church this week.
B. Pick at least one and plan to do it. 
2. Neighborhood
A. What is something you like about your neighborhood?
B. Who do you know in your neighborhood?
C. Think about some ways you family can encourage people in your neighborhood this summer.


Spirit-Empowered Leaders

Over the last several weeks, Tuesday's prayer focus has been leaders.

I have shared requests and other information related to pastoral leadership.  I believe it is very important that we remember to pray for pastors but today let's focus on praying for two other groups of people that are used by God to make the ministry of West Cannon and other churches possible.

The first group is the administrative assistants, office managers, and building managers.  
Being involved in two schools, two churches, and a rescue mission, I have realized the blessing of godly, helpful men and women working behind the scenes in so many different ways.
At Santiago Christian School, Emmanuel Christian School, Keystone Rescue Mission, Emmanuel Baptist Church and West Cannon Baptist Church I have been extremely blessed to serve alongside people who have been not only helpers but more so partners in the ministry of the Gospel.    
I don't even want to begin naming names because I know I would forget some.   
Thank you for all that you do for the work of the Gospel. 
The second group is the volunteers.
Volunteers are such an amazing blessing and are so much more than an unpaid workers. 
 Here is a post written in 2014 about the difference between a volunteer and a disciple-maker.

No, this is not the next competition on TV.
It is a challenge to think about your role as a church member.

A volunteer is a person who does work without getting paid to do it.
A disciple-maker is a person who is growing in their relationship with God and desiring to help others grow.  Someone who is investing what God has given to him into the lives of others.

A disciple-maker in the nursery understands…
they are helping moms and dads grow by giving parents the opportunity to attend classes and sermons.
they are helping babies develop a love for the church by providing a consistent, caring environment.

A disciple-maker in the pre-kindergarten classes understands…
they are doing so much more than wiping noses and passing out snacks.
they are showing the love of Jesus through their caring actions and creative sharing of Bible stories. 

A disciple-maker in the 1st through 5th grade classes understands…
they are not merely keeping kids busy while the parents are in church.
they are showing the kids genuine worship as they sit in the auditorium and sing praises to our amazing Savior.
they are showing the love of Jesus by taking time to teach, talk and listen to the kids.

A disciple-maker who is greeting on Sunday morning understands…
they are not just greeting people at the door.
they are helping others prepare for our Sunday morning gathering time.
they are welcoming those who desperately need Jesus to a service that proclaims Him in singing, preaching, and conversation.

A disciple-maker in a small group leadership role understands…
they are not running or just showing up to a group meeting.
they are showing sincere love by being used by God to love people more.
they are showing a God-focused trust by bringing their concerns and the group’s concerns to God in prayer.

Serving in any ministry at church is more than volunteering time.
It is glorifying God by helping others.
It is about growing in Christ and investing in the spiritual growth of others.

For more Theology Matters prayer resources click HERE 


Some Big May 7ths

The beginning of May is packed with a lot of special days...
May 3rd - Krista's birthday
May 4th - Star Wars Day
May 5th - Cinco de Mayo
May 6th - Jadyn's birthday
And in looking back, May 7th has been a pretty significant date in my ministry life.

I know my days are like grass and that my God is great.

Even in reflecting on the events that have happened on May 7ths, I am so very thankful for the truth of God's Word.

Psalm 103:15 - 18 says:

As for man, his days are like grass;

he flourishes like a flower of the field;
for the wind passes over it, and it is gone,
and its place knows it no more.
But the steadfast love of the Lord 
is from everlasting to everlasting 
on those who fear him,
and his righteousness to children's children,
to those who keep his covenant
and remember to do his commandments.

On May 7th, 2017, we let Emmanuel Baptist Church know about our ministry transition, not sure, at the time, where we would be going.  Big Changes and an Even Bigger God

On May 7th, 2011, I graduated from Baptist Bible Seminary with my M. Div.

Over the last seven years, and beyond, there have been times of great blessings and times of great challenges.  I continually want to remember this quote from the Gospel.
More than anything else could ever do, the gospel enables me to embrace my tribulations and thereby position myself to gain full benefit from them. For the gospel is the one great permanent circumstance in which I live and move; and every hardship in my life is allowed by God only because it serves His gospel purposes in me.  When I view my circumstances in this light, I realize that the gospel is not just one piece of good news that fits into my life somewhere among all the bad. I realize instead that the gospel makes genuinely good news out of every other aspect of my life, including my severest trials. (Romans 5:1-5) The good news about my trials is that God is forcing them to bow to His gospel purposes and do good unto me by improving my character and making me more conformed to the image of Christ. (Romans 8:28-29; James 1:2-4; 1 Corinthians 12:7-10). 
Once again I am very thankful for how God has been working in our lives.  In this most recent ministry transition to West Cannon and western Michigan, God has blessed my family through so many different people as it relates to housing, transportation, schooling, ministry, reconnecting with longtime friends, making new friends. and so many other things.

Spirit Empowered Outreach

Today's prayer is for Spirit-empowered local outreach and missions.
This week's ministry focus is Jonathan and Melodee Whitman, our missionaries in Italy.  

At the beginning of the Genesis class lesson time this Sunday we looked up verses that reminded us of what we have because of the Holy Spirit.  Throughout this week I want to share those verses and reminders with you.  Some of these verses are directly related to one of the daily prayer topics.

Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:19, 20 connect with today's local outreach and missions request.

Because of the Holy Spirit, we can confidently be Jesus' witnesses in our community and in the world.
God's Word not only tells us what to do, 
be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.
- go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the - -- Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.

These verses also tell us why and how we can do these things.
- you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you
- Jesus is with you always, to the end of the age.

Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:19, 20 
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Over and over again, the Bible connects loving God and loving others (Luke 12:27, 1 John 4:19 and more).  Through the Holy Spirit, God has given us the power to love others with a supernatural, God-glorifying love!

For more Theology Matters prayer resources click HERE