
Seek the Lord: Psalm 34

Sunday I had the privilege to preach at Trinity Baptist Church.  The passage was Psalm 34:1-3 which was last week's Fighter Verses.  

This week's Fighter Verses are Psalm 34:4 - 5.
I sought the Lord and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant,
and their faces shall never be ashamed.
This week's Fighter Verses continue in Psalm 34:4-5.  This week's devotionals can be viewed at fighterverses.com/set-5-core-esv/week-27/.  The two devotionals are
  Reliable Emergency Plans for Your Darkest Hour
  Unafraid and Unashamed

Over the next several weeks I will be posting the Fighter Verses devotional links.
There may also be some additional resources and other posts.