Throughout our lives we have been so blessed with friendships and ministry opportunities. This blog is meant to share what God has been doing in, for and through us. It is also used as a resource page for teaching and preaching Dave has had the opportunity to do. We do this for the purpose of GLORIFYING GOD and HELPING OTHERS GLORIFY GOD.
Sunday morning
So I thought I would to part of the presentation over the internet.
Here is a video about the mission...
December 2008
I finished up my fall semester. I must say it was very different than I envisioned but we know that God is in control.
My sugar levels have been much better. I have a couple of days when I was under 120 the whole day. A good level is between 80 and 120. Please continue to be praying for my health.
Vibbard Hall is now empty, except for our family. While there were challenges throughout the semester, it has been great to watch Krista care for and minister to the girls in the dorm. Please continue to pray for her ministry here at the college.
We are planning to be in Toledo the December 24th through 28th for Christmas with Krista's family.
If you want to see a great video of Josiah visiting the residents of the assisted living apartments next to our church and BBC go to
Update on Rescue Mission in Wilkes-Barre
Greetings in the Lord
We went before the Zoning Board last night in Wilkes-Barre and after lengthy discussion they voted 2 for and 2 against (a tie is not a win).
Pray Request Regarding the Rescue Mission
We stand on the eve of not just an historical moment in the life of our ministry, but one for northeastern Pennsylvania. The Lord willing, we will soon join the 12 cities in Pa and the 300 cities across America in providing a residential program to the homeless. Please pray for me as I go before the Zoning Board in Wilkes-Barre at 4:30pm on Wednesday (11.19). Several of you have heard some of the testimonies of how God is using us to transform lives in Scranton- trust me, you haven't seen anything yet!
Please be praying for this zoning board hearing and for the ministries of the Wilkes-Barre and Scranton Rescue Missions, along with other Rescue Missions across America.
Life @ BBC&S
The great news is that my blood sugar level have dropped from upper 300s to mid/upper 100's. Please pray that with diet, exercise and medicine we would be able to get my sugar levels below 120.
For those of you who may not have heard, we have decided to extend our time here at BBC&S by a year. With my health and schedule we realized it was better to slow down than to push through at an overwhelming pace. It was a difficult decision but one we both have peace about.
Krista has a been enjoying being part of a Monday night Bible study on the Psalms. It is led by Joanna Arp, a woman who is an amazing Bible teacher and a great mentor to Krista.
Continue to pray for Krista as she balances family life with ministry to the girls in the dorm. She is also working on a grad class to keep up her teaching certification.
Joel is doing great in kindergarten. He loves school. His soccer season ended two weeks ago. Grandma and Grandpa were there for the last game. Joel is very proud of his medal.
One of Joel's AWANA teachers recently commented about his amazing ability to remember Bible verses. He is doing great with the weekly memory verses.
Josiah is the cutest 2 year old in Vibbard Hall. Everyone agrees. He loves singing, dancing and trying to keep up with his big brother. Josiah also has a good memory as well as a sensitive heart and will pray at meals (or in the car) for things he's heard about throughout the day. One of his regular prayers when David is at work or class is "God, Daddy come back, safe, my house."
Quebec Trip
We are going to be visiting with Tim and Barb Vermilyea, missionaries that are supported by our home church in Toledo and our church here in Clarks Summit.
We would appreciate your prayers as we travel on Monday and Friday.
Pray that we would be an encouragement to the Vermilyeas while we are there.
Prayer Request
School, dorm life, ministry and so much more but the biggest thing recently is also a prayer request.
The big news is this past week I (David) was diagnosed with diabetes. So this week has been getting test, visiting doctors and dieticians and crying out to God.
We would very much appreciate your prayers as we figure out diet and schedule changes that need to be made.
A praise is I don't have classes during the month of October so I am able to schedule appointment from a pretty wide open schedule. Also, I have been able to get a lot of rest. I haven't gotten as much school work done but right now I know I need rest.
Our pastor out here in Clarks Summit sent me a great devotional of encouragement by Oswald Chambers.
"The Theology of Rest."
Open Mic
I in no way, shape or form claim to have any singing talent.
The semester has definitely begun

Josiah's first day of Joel's soccer.

The Rodgers family relaxing outside a Cracker Barrel on David's birthday (Thanks for the gift card Aunt Mar)

Moving Day
Please be praying for the new year in the dorm.
There will be 44 girls in Vibbard this semester.
There will be 27 girls in Vibbard this semester who are new to BBC.
Pray that this weekend of New Student Orientation would be a good time of connecting and communicating with the girls.
I start class on Tuesday.
6:30 - Hebrew 1
9:00 - Chapel
10:00 - Pentateuch
I need to go help unpack cars and vans.
Washington D.C. TrIp
Take me out to the ballgame
WOW, what an eye opening day
There are railroad tracks and a river that run by the mission.
Some of the guests who visit the mission on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights live in tents by the river or under the bridges near the train tracks.
It was quite an eye opening, sobering walk.
Some mission related prayer requests, especially for those of you who are not familiar with the Scranton Rescue Mission.
- We meet on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. The service begins @ 5:30 and usually ends around 6:15. After that a meal is served.
- On Saturdays there is a Bible study @ 3:30.
- On Sundays clothing and other food items are given away. This is usually our biggest night.
- "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly." Romans 5:6
- "If there's anything in life that we should be passionate about, it's the gospel. And I don't mean passionate only about sharing it with others. I mean passionate about thinking about it, dwelling on it, rejoicing in it, allowing it to color the way we look at the world." C.J. Mahaney
Some other ministry prayer requests:
- TLC (Teen Leadership Conference) is starting on Monday. There are two weeks of this conference on campus.
- Pray for Krista, the student leaders and the girls who will be living in Vibbard Hall this next school year.
It has been 226 degrees here in Scranton...
I think it may be broken!
Anyways, I finished up my assignments for my last class today. Summer classes have officially come to an end.
Now I have a couple of days before I need to start preparing for the fall semester.
Things at the Scranton Rescue Mission have been going great.
People have been responding to the Gospel message.
Here are some pictures of the family.
Coming to the end of summer classes
The last couple of weeks have been a real whirlwind for us.
May 26 through June 6
I had a two week class at the seminary.
Joel lost a couple of his teeth. He has a great big toothless smile.
June 13 through 22
We traveled to Toledo.
- On the way we stopped at my mom’s and spent two days there.
- We were able to go to Emmanuel Baptist Church two Sundays in a row..
- During the week, from Monday through Thursday, I attend a conference on Church Planting. The conference was in Medina, OH.
June 23 through July 3
I am now in a two week class at the seminary.
Krista is finishing up a graduate course in order to keep her teacher certification.
Joel is attending VBS at a friend’s church.
Josiah, along with Joel, loves to run around campus and watch the squirrels. Actually Krista and I like to do this with the boys.
The ministry at the Scranton Rescue Mission (the website link is in the personal link section) has been going well. I have had several opportunities to preach and talk with several of the men who come to the mission.
I have also led singing twice.
Yes you read that correctly. One of the things working at the mission has been teaching me is a lesson I thought I had learned in the Dominican Republic and at Emmanuel. In ministry FLEXIBILITY is important.
Please continue to be praying for us as a family and the ministry opportunities God has given us.
Some fun stuff

Joel playing ball

Summer "Break"
Here is what has been going on.
Josiah is...
-Cuter than ever.
-He will be 2 years old on June 8th.
Joel is...
-Loving t-ball (and playing in the dirt and with caterpillars at t-ball)
-Smiling real big now that he has lost his front tooth (we will be posting pictures soon)
Krista is...
-Working on a grad school class to keep her teaching certification current.
-Getting a lot of things done that she was not able to get done during the school year.
David is...
-In the middle of a two week summer class at the seminary. It has been a great class.
-Getting ready to start his now job at the Scranton Rescue Mission ( It is a part time position. I have had two recent opportunities to preach there. It is an excited ministry and we are looking forward to ministering there. Please be praying for us and the mission. Specific prayer requests and information coming later.
This weekend we ahve a couple of visitors.
Grandma, Grandpa and Abby are coming to visit.
We are getting ready for our visitors.
We are planning to be @ Emmanuel June 15th and 22nd.
We are going to be stopping in Pittsburgh for a quick visit the 13th and 14th.
Krista and the boys are going to stay in Toledo from the 15th to the 22nd.
I am planning to be @ a Church Planting Seminar in Medina, OH from the 16th to the 19th.
By the way, our emails will be closed out the end of this May 31st.
Our is what we will be using.
Some pictures
Prayer Request Update
She heard from them. They are safe. The Bible school he directs sustained damage. I am not sure the extent. Continue to be praying for that country.
Today was also graduation day. All of the girl have moved out.
Be praying for the graduates as they go from here. It is our prayer that first and foremost they would pursue God in everything and anything they do.
The dorm is now quiet. OK not really. Josiah likes to run around "singing" which basically involves holding a little microphone and yelling at sounds with some sort of tune. And as many of you know Joel can get a little loud.
Thank you to those who have been praying for us throughout this year. There have been challenges and there have been great times. We know that God has seen us through it all.
I saw a quote recently that really made me think about how great and amazing God is.
"Remember that your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace, nor are your best days ever so good that you are beyond the need of it."
-Jerry Bridges The Discipline of Grace
Prayer Request
One of the girls in our dorm is from that country. Her family lives in the city that was hit with the cyclone.
Please be praying for her, her family and the country.
The Next Chapter in the T-Ball Diary
His answer....
a. batting the ball
b. catching the ball
c. drawing houses in the sand.
d. throwing the ball
Which one did he choose?
Take a wild guess.
One more week... Two more weeks...
We don't think Joel has the chicken pox. Maybe he did get that spot when he fell.
One more week of seminary classes for me.
Lots of work due this week.
Two more weeks of college classes.
Lots of work for Krista and the girls next week.
Family Health Update 2
His reaction when she said that was "It's not chicken pox. It's a mark from when I fell down outside."
End of the semester.
Josiah has pink eye AND chicken pox. The chicken pox is a mild case that appears to be localized to his legs.
The seminary has one more week of classes.
The college has two more weeks.
This upcoming week my schedule looks like this:
Monday -
an 8 page project for Training Ministries.
Tuesday -
a five page doctrinal paper
a fifteen page term paper
a take home exam
a Greek vocab final
26 weeks of sermon outlines to finish out a year long preaching calendar.
This past week was student preachers in the seminary chapel. I had the opportunity to speak on Thursday. You can hear my sermon, along with the other student preachers, at
Lots of things to write about
-I preached in my preaching class. It went well.
-The Junior class, which I advise, held a talent show on campus. If you go to you can see videos of the different acts that performed that night.
-Krista's brother and sister-in-law, David and Linda, along with Joel and Josiah's cousins Abby, Karis and Allison were here for a visit.

-Joel started tee ball last week. Below is a video of Joel out in the field. He really liked it. The next day he asked if he had practice again.
-We are prayefully considering what to do about Joel's schooling for next year.
-Krista and the officer team of the dorm are preparing for the Vibbard tea this upcoming Thursday. Pray for the details of that. It is an opportunity for the girls in the dorm to show appreciation to female faculty and staff along with faculty members' wives.
-We have lots of end of the year things coming up. Dorm elections for officers, dorm room selections, junior class officer elections, papers and assignments for school, banquets and other end of the year things along with things that suddenly pop up.
-Throughout all of this business God has proven Himself over and over again to us. In my assigned readings for class I am constantly reminded of who God is and what He is doing. I am so thankful for the chance that we have to be here at BBC&S. Thank you for your prayers.
-Our adult Sunday school class is going through a great book now called A Call To Spiritual Reformation by D.A. Carson. It is a great book on Paul's prayers. The following link will take you to a site to read about the book.
Sermon this Thursday
We are preaching parables now and mine is The Parable of the Two Builders.
I would appreciate your prayers.
Krista is also doing the dorm devotions tonight in Vibbard.
I cannot believe it is already April. This semester is flying.
Please pray for us as the semester is quickly coming to a close.
He is Risen!!
Happy Crossmas!
Why Easter stubbornly resists the commercialism that swallowed Christmas.
One of several challenging statements in the article is:
"Easter is an event that demands a 'yes' or a 'no.' There is no 'whatever.'"
Spring Break!!
Our first part of the break in Toledo went well. There are always so many people to visit with. We did get to spend time with Krista's family and see many friends.
Yesterday (our last night in Toledo) Joel and I got pretty sick. Travelling to Pittsburgh today was a challenge for me.
Krista, Joel and Josiah are going to stay here in Pittsburgh until Saturday.
My Vision
In Friday’s Junior class chapel we sang “Be Thou My Vision” and heard a great impromptu challenge on corporate worship from Dr. Harris.
During the weekend I was reading A Call to Spiritual Reformation by D.A. Carson. Chapter 8 is entitled Overcoming the Hurdles. Carson looks at Paul’s prayer in Philippians 1:9-11. He concludes the chapter with the following:
"Paul’s pursuit in prayer of what is excellent is not idolatrous; rather it is bound up with praising God. He would have understood the Irish hymn 'Be Thou My Vision.'
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art –
Thou my best thoug ht, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.
Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I thy true son,
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.
Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine inheritance, now and always;
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of heaven, my Treasure Thou art.
High King of heaven, my victory won,
May I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heav’n Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.
Hear this prayer that God has placed in his Word that we might learn what we should ask him for: 'And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best [in order that you] may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ – to the glory and praise of God.' (Phil. 1:9-11)"
Prayer Request Update
1. Pray that Krista would be feeling better. On Saturday she was very sick. She is feeling better but still needs to recuperate.
Krista is doing much better. Thank you for praying.
2. Day of Prayer is this Tuesday.-
I am doing a workshop on prayer journaling. See previous post to find out more information about this. This is at 11:30 am until 12:30 pm-
My workshop went well.
The resource website I gave the students is
the women dorms are doing a Resident Director swap for dorm devotions. Krista will be doing devotions for the dorm next door (Thomson).
Krista's devotional went well. She was actually in Fletcher dorm and not Thomson.
3. Pray that I would be able to get a lot of school work done this work.
I haven't got as much school work done as I would have liked to but I did get some done.
Thank you to everyone who was praying for these requests.
Please be sure to check out the prayer requests on the previous post.
A new church in the Scranton area
This Sunday is the Grand Opening of Steamtown Church in Scranton, Project Jerusalem’s sixth church plant in Northeast, PA. Our seminary team, led by Dennis D’Augostine, has worked hard to prepare for the launch of this new church. Lots of promotional advertising has gone out into the community – including a 20,000 piece mailing in the last few days. We are asking the Lord of Harvest for at least 150 in attendance.
Please pray with us that:
1) Christ would be honored in the inaugural service and pleased with the “birth” celebration of this baby church
2) The good news of salvation would be clearly proclaimed and understood by all
3) Christ would draw lost and unchurched people to Himself
4) Our seminary team would be diligent to follow-up on all the many prospects and guests
5) Steamtown would have a healthy birth and become a growing church impacting many in the city of Scranton.
You are cordially invited to come and visit the new church any Sunday. We meet at 10:30 am at the Red Carpet Inn Grand Ballroom located at the corner of Mulberry and Franklin in downtown Scranton. To view a map, get directions, or to learn more about this new church, check out their website:
Ken Davis
No Classes this week
I am hoping to get work done for my classes. Papers to write. Books to read. Greek to translate. It is definitely work and it definitely is tiresome at times but I am so thankful for the opportunity God has given us to be here. I have been learning so much from the classrooms, Junior class advising and living in the dorm.
Some prayer requests for this week:
1. Pray that Krista would be feeling better. On Saturday she was very sick. She is feeling better but still needs to recuperate.
2. Day of Prayer is this Tuesday.
-I am doing a workshop on prayer journaling. See previous post to find out more information about this. This is at 11:30 am until 12:30 pm
-the women dorms are doing a Resident Director swap for dorm devotions. Krist will be doing devotions for the dorm next door (Thomson).
-there are various prayer focus times throughout the day. Pray that students and staff will use the day to focus on prayer.
3. Pray that I would be able to get a lot of school work done this work.
A Ministry Opportunity
The theme is "Vision of Glory: Praying with the Right Perspective."
I am going to be presenting a workshop from 11:30 to 12:30.
The title is "It's NOT a diary!! It's a prayer journal!!"
If you click on the title above it will take you to part of my presentation.
- Yesterday my sermon for class went well. It definitely is a different type of experience preaching in a classroom setting before classmates who are critiquing you but it went well.
- This morning's junior class chapel seemed to go well. I was a little tired because last night was a late night which leads to my last praise for today.
- Last night there was a concert on campus. Shane & Shane/ Starfield / Bethany Dillon and speaker David Nasser. Some of you may not know who these people are but it was a great concert/worship time.
Thank you for your prayers.
Next week no classes. Global Ministry Forum (aka Seminary Missions Conference)
Update (02.13.08)
Last night was supposed to to be the big snow/ice storm and I was scheduled to work. It was not bad here.
The second half of this week is going to be very busy.
Tomorrow (Valentine's Day), I am preaching in my Expository Preaching class. The sermon is "Strength in Number?" taken from Judges 7. I would appreciate your prayers as I preach tomorrow at around 10:00.
There is also a concert here on campus. Shane & Shane and Starfield.
On Friday I am also going to be speaking (about 15 minutes) in the Junior class chapel. The junior is also sponsoring a school social Friday and Saturday. A Sweet Time of coffee and cheesecake.
The boys are doing great. Sleeping well and working hard.
This Week's Missions Conference
Students are challenged by speakers who are serving God around the world.
There are several missions organizations here recruiting.
Please pray that God would work in the hearts of the students. There are many students who are not sure where they are going to serve God.
Below is a write up about the conference from the school website. is the link to here the chapel sessions.
Conference highlights life-changing missions
Baptist Bible College students will get a full view of the lives of missionaries around the world at this year's Missions Conference. The three-day event features alumni speakers from six continents.
The theme is "The Whole Gospel for the Whole World." The conference will be February 6 - 8.
"There is more to the gospel than just the plan for salvation," says Student Missions Fellowship president Niall O'Niell, a native of Ireland. "We want that to be the focus of this year's Missions Conference."
"The Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians that he preached the gospel'in which also you stand, by which also you are saved.' We want the speakers to show us not just how they evangelize, but also how they live their lives daily in the gospel."
The conference will include several main sessions and a variety of workshops in which students can participate. Workshop topics include preparing for global impact, 21st century global ministry and how to support your missionaries.
Speakers will include Dr. Do Suan Mung, president of Faith Baptist Bible College in Myanmar, Elisabeth Bowman, a teacher in Australia, and Tim and Barb Vermilyea, church planters in Quebec, Canada.
A Praise...
Josiah is doing so much better now.
This past week
A great picture and prayer requests
Some prayer requests:
- This weeekend, Vibbard Dorm is hosting its Late Skate. Please be praying for the last minute details, endurance and safety.
- I started my spring semester of classes today. Pray for my studies.
- The boys and I went to visit my family in Pittsburgh. We visited Joel and Josiah's new baby cousin who was born last week. Pray for him, his mommy and daddy and brother.
- Especially pray for wisdom this semester as we seek to glorify God in everything we do and say.
Spring Semester 2008
This past semester was the most challenging so far school-wise for me. Lots of reading. I told Krista I want to write down how much reading I did this past semester. I got through the semester and it was very educational.
January 21st is the start of the spring semester here at the seminary.
The college starts this Monday, January 14th. So tomorrow the returnng students will be arriving. Vibbard also has two new students this semester. Be praying for their adjustment to college life.
1. The Vibbard Late Skate activity is on January 25th.
2. Adjustments this semester.
- New students.
- A new Resident Assistant.
- A new vice-president.
3. My classes this semester.
- Monday - Training Ministries in the Church.
- Tuesday - Christology and Soteriology.
- Thursday - Advanced Expository Preaching.
** I have another class that I will be taking either online or on Wednesday.
Greek Exegetical Methods.
Thanksgiving and Chritmas with family
Liam and Josiah with grampa.