

Lesson Notes from Don's teaching teaching Sunday.

Parent & Kids notes can be found at tbcgrkidz.org

Definition: To pursue faithfulness means acting with INTEGRITY, keeping your word, and doing what is right before GOD, with FORTITUDE, and without COMPLAINT because you trust God to give you the ability to complete all things he has given you to do

Some verses to look at:

  • 1 Corinthians 4:1—2
  • Psalm 31:23—24
  • Proverbs 28:20
  • Revelation 2:10
  • 1 Samuel 12:24
  • Hebrews 11

Memory Verse:  1 Samuel 12:24

But be sure to fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all your heart;
Cnsider waht great things he has done for you.

Additional Notes (unless otherwise noted, quotes are from The Fruitful Life by Jerry Bridges)

We are called to be faithful by the always faithful God of the universe, who sent his faithful Son to save us from our sins and sent the faithful Holy Spirit to empower us to live this faithful life.

"Consider for a moment the absolute necessity of the faithfulness of God.  We are dependent upon his faithfulness for our final salvation (1 Corinthians 1:8-9), for deliverance from temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13), for ultimate sanctification (1 Thessalonians 5:23), for the forgiveness of our sins (1 John 1:9); for deliverance through times of suffering (1 Peter 4:19), and for the fulfillment of our ultimate hope of eternal life (Hebrews 10:23)."

"If we are careful to be honest in the little things, we will certainly be careful to be honest in the more important things of life."

There are some other resources on the kids page that can help with thinking about faithful.  

Here are two helps:
  1. Read biographies of faithful Christian men and women.
  2. Pray faith-filled prayers.  Thank God for His faithfulness. Thank God for saving faith.  Ask God to help you in being faithful.



LESSON NOTES from Mike Dickinson

For info about the combined Kids & Parents time,  go to https://tbcgrkidz.blogspot.com/2024/07/july-14-combined-sunday-school-purity.html

"To pursue moral purity means choosing to live by the highest moral principles in both speech and physical relations despite your own desires to do otherwise and despite any external pressures to compromise."  From Time for the Talk

Mike Dickinson did a great job of breaking down some key parts of this definition.

ChoosingThere are multiple "choices" every day. As each of these choices comes up, do you choose purity or compromise?

Highest - Not just the minimum, but rather, what is the best?  Often we have it backwards.  We talk about the limits of what is proper for a Christian - what you can do and what you cannot do.  Purity is about the heart - taking a new, clean self and wanting to keep it clean.  

Two Key Forces
Your own desires - We need to recognize that desires come up within us that can make us want to do what we clearly know we shouldn't.
External pressures - These external pressures can be peer pressure and the pressures of circumstances.

Some of the key passages the class looked at were:
  • Matthew 5:8:  "Blessed are the pure in the heart, for they shall see God."
  • 2 Timothy 2:20 - 22: "Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honorable use, some for dishonorable.  Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.  So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.  
  • Genesis 39:6 - 12:  Joseph's example of fleeing temptation because he understood the seriousness of sin.  It is against God.
  • Psalm 119:9, 11:  "How can a young man keep his way pure?  By guarding it according to your word...  I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."
The steps of purity:
  1. Get clean (or get reclean)
  2. Prepare/study/get equipped
  3. Resist
  4. Flee Sin
  5. Lather / Rinse / Repeat


The Desiring God article entitled "More Than Sexual Purity" contains a great challenge for Christian men.
Where would you look in the Bible to build a stronger, fuller vision for Christian men?

First Timothy 4:12 is a familiar, yet strangely overlooked, map for men.  The apostle Paul writes to his spiritual son, Timothy, a young man (not child) and elder in the church,

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

In your Christian living, do you consider how you speak, how you spend your life, what good you are to others, how passionate you are for God, how you live a pure life?

The same article states that "worldliness - overt or subtle devotion to pop culture, sports, movies, shopping, social media, or whatever lures you must - can be every bit as spiritually polluting as sexual temptation (James 1:27)."

A godly, pure life is not lived in our own strength.  It must be lived in dependence on the holiness of God the Father, the work of God the Son, and the power of God the Holy Spirit.

"The battleground of a Christian war is your heart...  This is a war for your soul. And, like most wars, it is fought to be won or lost. There is no peacekeeping treaty. God is jealous for your heart, and he is not going to concede this territory to the devil (Jer. 31:33)."  Reju, Deepak. Pornography: Fighting for Purity

Remember, Purity is a Heart Battle.



LESSON NOTES from Sunday's Adult Christian Education Class taught by Matt Sallee.

Joshua 1:9 says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

In the Adult Class, Matt Sallee asked, "Is this command for us today?"
He then shared three other verses:  Isaiah 41:10, 2 Corinthians 1:20, and Romans 8:32.
Joshua 1:9 is for us today because of who God is and what He does. God is with his people wherever they go, and He gave us the one greatest thing we need: JESUS and so much more.

There are four commands in Joshua 1:9
  • Be strong (Ephesians 6:10-18, Philippians 4:13, 2 Corinthians 13:4-6)
  • Be courageous - Here are some Biblical examples of courage - Stephen (Acts 7), the church (Acts 8), Paul (Acts 17), Esther (Esther 5:7), wives, husbands, and children (Ephesians 5, 6), Joshua and Caleb (Number 13, 14)
  • Do not be afraid
  • Do not be dismayed
Remember the LORD is with you (Zephaniah 3:17, Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5)

What can give the Christian strength and courage and not to be afraid or dismayed?
  • A love for God - Luke 10:27: "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself."
  •  Repentance of sin - Proverbs 28:13: "He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy. Do we mourn for our sins?"
  • Genuine Humility Psalm 51:17: "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart - these, O God, You will not despise.
  • Devotion to God's Glory - 1 Corinthians 10:28: "Therefore, whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the Glory of God."
  • Continual prayer - Philippians 4:6: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God."
  • Selfless love - 1 John 2:9: "He who says he is in the light and hates his brother, is in darkness until now."
  • Hunger for God's Word - 1 Peter 2:1-3 "laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of God's Word, that you may grow thereby if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious."
  •  Proclaim, Defend the Gospel - Jude 3 "…I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints." and Ephesians 5:11 - "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them."
The bottom line is that the church is courageous because of who God is and what He has done.


Time for the Talk gives the following definition of courage.
"To pursue courage means choosing to do what is right despite the opposition of others or your own desires (often the more difficult enemy)."
Interestingly, this definition states that courage is often the most challenging when facing opposition to our desires. 
From Courage by Joe Rigney 
"Fear may be present but not sinful."
He continues to develop the idea that to understand courage/fearlessness let's look at its opposite. "fearfulness is to give in and be mastered by fear; to allow fear to guide our actions.""
God gives us two things that give us courage
Belief in Jesus
Suffering for Jesus 
G.K. Chesterton, in Orthodoxy, states that ""ourage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live today in the form of a readiness to die.""Old Testament:  
  • Joshua and the Israelites, before and beginning of the time in the  Promised Land (Deuteronomy 31:17; 31:23; Joshua 1:6, 7, 9, 18, 10:25)
  • Daniel, during the Exile
New Testament: 
  • Jesus teaching - John 16:33;
  • Disciples actions - Acts 5
Recent History:  Martyn Lloyd-Jones. The Doctor Who Became a Preacher. 
Additional Resources:
Courage:  How the Gospel Creates Christian Fortitude by Joe Rigney
Available in audiobook and ebook through Hoopla
Available in audiobook through Spotify Premium  



The upcoming lesson, July 7, is COURAGE.

Lesson Notes:

Here is a dictionary definition of patience.

patience (with somebody / something) 1. the ability to stay calm and accept a delay or something annoying without complaining 2. the ability to spend a lot of time doing something difficult that needs a lot of attention and effort

However, as we continue our Marks of a Christian study, we seek more than a dictionary definition.  We want a Biblical definition.

As Drew Ford reminded us in class this morning, "Patience is an attribute of God and is intended to characterize each Christian – it is described as a quality, fruit of the Spirit, attribute of love and a virtue.'

We began by looking at the works of the flesh that show the opposite of patience—jealousy, outbursts of anger, and dissension.  Each of these and others shows an unwillingness to wait for the Lord's timing.  

Here is a list of Bible verses with a short explanation of what they say about patience:

  • Romans 2:4 – God is the patient one – taking abuse from us with the hope of our repentance
  • Romans 9:22 – God is the patient one – again taking abuse from us – vessels of wrath prepared for destruction
  • 2nd Corinthians 6:6 – Paul describes ministry difficulties
  • Ephesians 4:2 – We are called to walk worthy of the calling – including fruit of the Spirit behaviors
  • Colossians 1:11 – We are called to walk worthy of the Lord – including the fruit of the Spirit
  • Colossians 3:12 – We are called to walk worthy of the Lord – as God's chosen ones – command – PUT ON – Spirit behaviors/fruits
  • 1st Timothy 1:16 – Jesus patient with Paul (worst of sinners)
  • 2nd Timothy 3:10 –Paul'ss example of Christ – teaching & conduct
  • 2nd Timothy 4:2 –Paul'ss charge to Timothy – Produce Godly behaviors and traits
  • 1st Peter 3:20 –God's patience in the Days of Noah
  • 2nd Peter 3:9 – The Lord is patient with desire for all to repent
  • 2nd Peter 3:15 – The Lord is patient – desiring our salvation

Growing in patience takes time, requires difficult situations, and oftentimes includes challenging people.

Growth in patience doesn't have shortcuts.  It is not produced by us but by the Holy Spirit.  Because of this, it depends on God, which means it must include prayer.

Additional Notes:

In The Fruitful Life by Jerry Bridge,"

"The word patience, as we use it in everyday speech, actually stands for several different words in the New Testament and is used to describe a godly reaction to a variety of situations.""

Suffering mistreatment"

"This aspect of patience is the ability to suffer a long time under the mistreatment of others without growing resentful or bitter.""

"The opposite of retaliation is to entrust ourselves to God, who judges just."   Remember Romans 12:19

While suffering, we must remember that God is just and faithful.

Responding to Provocation"

"The best way to develop this slowness to anger is to reflect frequently on the patience of God toward u.""

Tolerating Shortcoming"

"Impatience with the shortcomings of others often has its roots in pride.""

"Forbearance, or tolerance, the Scriptures is associated with love, the unity of the believers, and the forgiveness of Chris.""

Ephesians 4:2-3

Waiting on God

The cure for impatience with the fulfillment of God's timetable is to believe his promises, obey His will, and leave results to him"."

Remember Hebrews 6:12.

Persevering through Adversity"

"Whereas long-suffering should be our patient reaction to people who mistreat or provoke us, endurance and perseverance should be our reaction to circumstances that try us.  Endurance is the ability to stand up under adversity; perseverance is the ability to progress in spite of "t."" 

"Whatever the source of our adverse circumstances, the key to endurance and patience is to believe that God is ultimately in contr"l."  

Remember Romans 15:".

"Trials always change our relationship with God.  Either they drive us to Him, or they drive us away from Him.  The extent of our fear of Him and our awareness of His love for us determines in which direction we will move."



Lesson notes

An abbreviated set of Richard Van Vels notes from Sunday.

Many things can cause worry and a lack of peace in your life.  Here are some Richard Van Vels shared from his life. 

  • When Star Wars comes out with another garbage TV show/movie
  • When my Amazon delivery isn't on time
  • When my kids act out in public
  • When the news comes on, and I see a report of death and destruction
  • When I hear of the deaths of those close to me
  • When I see my fellow believers wrestling with deep heart struggles (e.g., Resurgence of a hidden sin, am I saved, where is God?  Does God love me?  Does God see me?
  • When I get into conflict
  • When I think about where I will pastor, Lord willing, in the future
  • When I see the direction of our nation and how that will affect my children
  • When I consider whether my kids will grow up to know the Lord.
  • When I have to carry the person who carried me as a child because she was too weak to walk.
Caring for a loved or lost one is not against this fruit of the Spirit.
The burden of caring for another is a way that we can reflect the living God who created us.
But when this becomes an inordinate desire and consumes or tears apart, then there is danger.  

What brings peace?  How can one grow in peace?

  • Growing in knowing who God is
  • Growing in an understanding of where God is
  • Growing in understanding what God's desire is for me
  • Knowing who your enemies are.

There are 6 significant usages of the word Peace throughout Scripture:

  1. A national state of tranquility  (Lack of War)
  2. Peace Between individuals (harmony)
  3. Security, Safety, Prosperity, felicity  (Prosperity is a sign of peace)
  4. Of the Messiah's Peace  (The way that leads to eternal peace, that is, salvation)
  5. Of Christianity, the tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and content with its earthly lot, of whatever sort that is.
  6. The blessed state of devout and upright men/women after death.

Philippians 4:4 - 9 is filled with peace.

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.  Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

This passage reminds me of the following.

  • Joy is in the Lord: vs. 4
  • Let your gentle Spirit be known to all people: vs. 5
  • The Lord is NEAR(vs 5) 
  • we don't need to be anxious vs. 6
  • But!... Let your request be known to Go.  (He already knows, but he wants you to ask!)
  • Prayer is humbly approaching the throne of mercy.
  • In prayer, Plead because God wants to hear what you have to say, and this heartfelt pleading shows what we believe about God. 
  • We pray, with thanksgiving, because of who God is and His secure promises.

Do you know who your enemy/enemies is/are?

Is your enemy God?

If you are saved, He is not your enemy.  God is perfectly just and can be trusted.

If you are saved, your enemies are the world, the flesh, and the Devil, and they will not fight fair.

The Devil, your enemy, is a prowling lion.

The world will turn against you.  Read through the Bible.  You will see that nations will fight against one another.

Your flesh fights against you.

Who is God?    

Philippians 4:9 states He is the God of Peace (vs. 9).

Where is God?  

Philippians 4:4 states He is near.  He goes with his children.  He sees all.

What is God's desire for me?  

God desires to see His children transformed into the image of His Son, bear fruit, and flourish.

Who is your enemy?  

The world, the flesh, and the Devil are against you.

Additional Notes:

From The Fruitful Life by Jerry Bridges

"Peace should be a hallmark of the godly person, first because it is a godlike trait: God is called the God of peace several times in the New Testament.  He took the initiative to establish peace with rebellious men, and He is the author of personal peace as well as peace among men."

"Peace should be part of our character also because God has promised us His peace, because He has commanded us to let peace rule in our lives and relationships, and because peace is a fruit of the Spirit and therefore an evidence of His working in our lives."

Bridges writes about the threefold nature of this peace we are talking about.
  • Peace with God
  • Peace within ourselves
  • Peace with other people
"These are not three parallel but unrelated types of peace; rather, they are three different expressions of one peace - the peace that God gives, called the fruit of the Spirit.  These facets complement and reinforce one another, producing an overall character trait.  Each aspect has unique characteristics that contribute in varying ways to the life of a man or woman of peace."


"The basis of our peace with God is our justification by faith in Jesus Christ.  Scripture says, 'Therefore since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Christ. (Romans 5:1)"

"Peace with God, then, is the foundation of peace within ourselves and peace with other people.  This foundation does not guarantee, of course, that these other aspects of peace occur automatically."

"The result promised to us when we come to God in prayer with thanksgiving is not deliverance but the peace of God."

"First, we must remember that we are fellow members of the same body.  Paul says, "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.  So it is with Christ" (1 Corinthians 12:12)."

"Not only must we remember that we are fellow members of one body, but we must also remember that it is Christ's body of which we are members.  His glory and the honor of His church are at stake in our relationships with one another.  Few things are as dishonoring to the cause of Christ as Christians quarreling among themselves."

"Third, we must recognize that the cause of discord often lies wholly or partly with us.  We must seek a genuine humility about our responsibility rather than entirely blaming the other person."

"Finally, we must take the initiative to restore peace.  Jesus taught that it makes no difference whether you have wronged or been wronged."

"Because peace is a fruit of the Spirit, we depend upon the Spirit's work to produce the desire and means to pursue peace.  But we are also responsible for using the means he has given us and taking all practical steps to attain peace within and with others."