-I preached in my preaching class. It went well.
-The Junior class, which I advise, held a talent show on campus. If you go to http://bbcsgottalent.homestead.com/ you can see videos of the different acts that performed that night.
-Krista's brother and sister-in-law, David and Linda, along with Joel and Josiah's cousins Abby, Karis and Allison were here for a visit.

-Joel started tee ball last week. Below is a video of Joel out in the field. He really liked it. The next day he asked if he had practice again.
-We are prayefully considering what to do about Joel's schooling for next year.
-Krista and the officer team of the dorm are preparing for the Vibbard tea this upcoming Thursday. Pray for the details of that. It is an opportunity for the girls in the dorm to show appreciation to female faculty and staff along with faculty members' wives.
-We have lots of end of the year things coming up. Dorm elections for officers, dorm room selections, junior class officer elections, papers and assignments for school, banquets and other end of the year things along with things that suddenly pop up.
-Throughout all of this business God has proven Himself over and over again to us. In my assigned readings for class I am constantly reminded of who God is and what He is doing. I am so thankful for the chance that we have to be here at BBC&S. Thank you for your prayers.
-Our adult Sunday school class is going through a great book now called A Call To Spiritual Reformation by D.A. Carson. It is a great book on Paul's prayers. The following link will take you to a site to read about the book.