
Tough Questions Week 6

Because there is so much more to discuss on this topic, we are doing one more week on politics.

Is this the BIGGEST election ever?

Yes AND No.

YES, the election matters and is important.  Plus, all previous elections are in the past.
NO, this election does not matter as much as the kingdom of God.

As we think about politics, we must remember that God is sovereign and holy, and man is limited and sinful.  An election does not change these facts at all.

Remember, it is not about every four years.  It is about every day!

It is not surprising that non-Christians view that the next election is the most important thing in the world.  Because they have no real future, eternal hope.

Let's start thinking about politics in the Old Testament and then the New Testament.

This is a self-study; take out your Bible and answer these questions.

  • What does Jeremiah 29:4 - 14 say about how those who trust the Lord must live?
  • What does Romans 13:1 - 7 say about what the government should do?

As we consider political issues, we may ask ourselves, "How can they be Christians and support that?"  There are several reasons people think this.
  1. Justified people care about justice.
  2. Self-satisfying people are certain their convictions are just.  Too often, we are self-serving with our anger.
  3. Political judgments require wisdom: "Most political judgments we make depend on wisdom, not on directly applying explicit biblical principles."  (Leeman, Naselli)

How can we love church members with different politics?
  1. Adjust your expectations
  2. 2.  
  3. Recognize what unites a church and what belongs to the domain of Christian freedom.
  4. Straight line vs. Jagged line issues
  5. Respect those who have a different conscience on jagged line issues.
  6. Remember what is most important.
"The more a nation denies God, the less savory all our options might be."

Here is the recent Wisdom Conversation, "Christianity and American Democracy: Living as a Faithful Christian and Citizen," at Cornerstone University.