
Emotions of Easter: Sadness of Saturday

Part 5 of 5 Emotions of Easter posts is the Sadness of Saturday
There will be an additional "Emotions" of Easter post tomorrow
Part 4 on Friday was the Anger of Good Friday
Part 3 on Thursday was Disgusting Feet
Part 2 on Tuesday was the Fear of the Pharisees
Part 1 on Sunday was the Joy of Palm Sunday.  This post also included an introduction to the Emotions of Easter posts.


Today's emotions is Sadness.

For the disciples, Jesus died yesterday and the reality of the resurrection has not happened yet.

The women went to the tomb Sunday morning prepared to take care of a dead body.

Luke 24:17 reveals what the disciples of Jesus were feeling on that Saturday "And they stood still, looking sad."  While this account obviously occurs after Jesus' resurrection, news of this truth had not yet reached the ears of these disciples.

The rabbi and teacher had just been crucified.  Executed by the government and religious leaders of the time.
Their hope that he would deliver the Jews from the Romans had been destroyed.  

It's Sunday, but Sunday is coming.

The Bible reading for today is not from an account of the events of Saturday.

It is Psalm 62, which talks about waiting on the Lord. 

Here are a couple of resources to help you think about this Saturday

An article by Bob Kellemen that talks about how this Saturday is a lot like life this side of heaven.
"We wait.  Our final resurrection is sure.  Our victory is certain."

A quote by Tim Challies:
"We are not Friday Christians who serve a dead Savior, not Saturday Christians still waiting and wondering, but Sunday Christians who serve a living, breathing Savior–one who is alive and one who reigns."  Tim Challies
A one minute video:
Here are some questions to think through and talk about.
  • Have you ever felt disappointment?
  • Why did you feel disappointed?
  • What are some general reasons why we feel disappointed?  Here are two Bible passages to get you thinking about this question:
    • Jeremiah 2:36-37
    • James 4:1


Emotions of Easter: Anger on Good Friday

Part 4 of 5 Emotions of Easter posts is the Anger of Good Friday
Part 3 on Thursday was Disgusting Feet
Part 2 on Tuesday was the Fear of the Pharisees
Part 1 on Sunday was the Joy of Palm Sunday.  This post also included an introduction to the Emotions of Easter posts.


Today's emotion is anger.
Here is some context to help you understand why it is ANGER.

We have a clear advantage over those original disciples of Jesus Christ.
And Good Friday is the day that advantage became very obvious.

The First Good Friday was very different from every Good Friday since. 
We look back and remember and even celebrate Good Friday in the light of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 
But those original disciples did not know what was to come.  

Friday was very different for them.

The guards and the crowd had an anger that, to disciples of Jesus, seems so out of place considering who Jesus is.  

The mocking, spitting, cursing, and beating was so hate-filled. 
Followers of Jesus must have wondered why this was happening.

When I read the crucifixion accounts, the way so many different people so angrily treated my savior makes me angry.
And then I begin to remember that my rebellion against God, my sin and Jesus humble submission and obedience are why He died on that cross that first Good Friday.    john Stott wrote “Before we can begin to see the cross as something done for us, we have to see it as something done by us.”

HERE is a post by Tim Challies to help you reflect on this truth.

The Bible reading for today is one of the Crucifixion accounts.

Read the passage and think about what the followers of Jesus Christ might have been feeling and thinking on that first Good Friday.

Here are some quotes about Good Friday and the cross that are meant to help us prayerfully consider this amazing life changing day. 

“But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”  The Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:14 
"The only man who ever lived a life that was perfect in every way possible, who gave his life for the sacrifice of many, and who willingly suffered from birth to death in loyalty to his calling, was cruelly and publicly murdered in the most vicious of ways."   Paul Tripp 
“The cross is proof of both the immense love of God and the profound wickedness of sin.”  John MacArthur  
“At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light, and the burden of my heart rolled away.  It was there by faith I received my sight, And now I am happy all the day!”  Isaac Watts, in hymn “At the Cross”  
“It was not nails that held Jesus to that wretched cross; it was his unqualified resolution, out of love for his Father, to do his Father’s will—and it was his love for sinners like me.”  D.A. Carson 


The Emotions of Easter - Disgust of Thursday

Part 3 of 5 Emotions of Easter posts is Disgusting Feet
Part 2 on Tuesday was the Fear of the Pharisees
Part 1 on Sunday was the Joy of Palm Sunday.  This post also included an introduction to the Emotions of Easter posts.


The Bible reading for today is the Upper Room account from John 13, specifically the foot washing section.   

Here are some thoughts to consider as you reflect upon John 13.

Feet are disgusting.
Let me rephrase that. 
My feet are disgusting.  I know that because my sister has always reminded me of that fact.

In an article entitled "The Humility of Love," John MacArthur writes  "Normally, foot washing was the duty of the lowliest slave. When guests came, he had to go to the door and wash their feet—not a pleasant task. In fact, washing feet was probably his most abject duty, and only slaves performed it for others. Even the disciples of rabbis were not to wash the feet of their masters—that was uniquely the task of a slave."

Through his incarnation, Jesus humbled himself (Philippians 2:6, 7).
Through his words, Jesus taught humility (Matthew 20:26, 27).
Through his washing the disciples feet, Jesus modeled humility.
Through his obedience to God, Jesus humbly died (Philippians 2:8).

Feet are disgusting.
Washing feet is disgusting.
Yet, there is Jesus, the one who is given the name that is above every name and the name at which every knee should bow (Philippians 2:9, 10), on bended knee washing his followers' feet.

Here is the truly disgusting moment at this dinner.  In the parallel passage of Luke 22 a dispute arises among the disciples about who is the greatest.  
Jesus institutes the Lord's Supper.
Jesus washes the disciples' feet.
The disciples argue over who is the greatest (Luke 22:24-26)

In the same article, MacArthur writes "What a sickening picture this is! They were bickering about who was the greatest. And in an argument about who is the greatest, no one is going to get down to the ground and wash feet. The basin was there, the towel was there, and everything was ready. But no one moved to wash the others' feet."

John 13:1 tells us that Jesus loved them to the end.

This Resurrection Sunday, let's remember that the one who rose victorious from the grave and ascended with glory into the heavens, humbly washed his bickering disciples' feet.

Here are some questions to think through and talk about.

Humility can be shown in many different ways, not just washing feet; what are some others ways you can demonstrate humility?

What is the difference between Jesus' humility and our humility?
Here are two statements to help you think through this.

  • Regarding Jesus' humility, think about who he is, where he came from and what he did.
  • Regarding our humility, think about this definition of humility:  "To pursue humility means choosing to accept the fact that your knowledge and abilities are limited and in light of that, you are regularly seeking help and graciously receiving advice and correction."


Sing for God

You were hardwired for love, so everything you decide, desire, think, say, and do 
is an expression of love for someone or something.
March 28, New Morning Mercies Devotional

This devotional includes 1 John 2:15-17 and reminders over and over again that we all are lovers and we were created to love God.

Today's Fighter Verses devotional reminds that God made us to be worshippers and to sing songs.
God made us to sing songs.  But left to ourselves we often sing to be praised.  Psalm 96 urges us to use our voices not in order to earn praise, but in order to give it.  Three times David tells us to "sing to the Lord."  This repetition signals, "Pay attention!"  God created vocal cords to give praise to him.
This week's Fighter Verses and Fighter Verses devotional, along with today's New Morning Mercies devotional remind us of the biggest fight each and every one of us has each day - Who will I worship?

The two main questions we discussed in tonight's Fight Night study were
  1. What is the singular focus of Psalm 96:1-3?
  2. What is a "new song?"
The very strong singular focus of Psalm 96;1-3 is the Lord.  This is very obvious for several reasons
  1. We are told to "sing to the Lord" three times.
  2. We are to proclaim what He has done all the time ("day after day").
  3. We are to proclaim what He has done to everyone.

This "new song" is not necessarily the idea of replacing the old with something new.  It has a new "fresh" everyday idea to it.  Lamentations 3:22 - 23 says "But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:  The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

All of this is an important reminder for churches, church leaders, and church members this Easter weekend.
It is very easy to forget the focus and the audience of Easter.  
The focus is Jesus Christ and his victory of sin, death and the devil.
The audience is God himself.  

Here are two articles that have challenged my thoughts about Easter Services:
Seven Critical Issues Easter Services
6 Ways to Manage Easter Expectations


The Emotions of Easter - The Fear of the Pharisees.

Part 2 of 5 Emotions of Easter posts.
Part 1 was the Joy of Palm Sunday.  This post also included an introduction to the Emotions of Easter posts.


Our motivation in this life needs to be the God we have faith in.
Not the people we don't need to fear.

The Bible reading is the Withered Fig Tree and the Temple Debates
The Withered Fig and the questioning of Jesus' authority probably happened on the Tuesday of Passion Week.  Both of these accounts are found in Matthew 21:18-27

Here is a reading based on the motives and desires of Judas and the Pharisees.
HERE is an article about the escalating conflict on the Tuesday of Holy Week.
The following quotes are from another article entitled What Would Judas do? which deals with Judas' betrayal on Wednesday but also connects with the Pharisees 
The Pharisees loved money (Luke 16:14), feared men (Matthew 26:5), and hated Jesus (Matthew 26:4). That formula may be lived out before you more than you realize.   
The love of money often looks merely practical.  The fear of men can hide behind masks.  But the Bible is clear: If you love money and fear men, you cannot love God or escape Hell (Luke 16:13John 5:44) — and you become a card-carrying member of the crowd who crucified the Author of life (Acts 3:15).  The cross — that horrifying drama of hatred — was only a symptom of the Pharisees’ craving for money, approval, and power. It was as if they bought a billboard to advertise their love for money, and set it on a hill for all to see.  But they would never do something so obvious. What would the people say? They “feared the people” (Luke 22:2). In fact, the people’s love for Jesus was half the reason the religious leaders hated him so much. 
The authorities were cowards with cravings. They had to find a way to kill him quietly (Matthew 26:3–5). They had to find a way to murder an innocent man without losing any esteem or influence.
While the Pharisees and Judas were both parts of God's great salvation plan, the motives behind their actions demonstrate a lack of trust in God and His plan.

Mountain-moving, God-trusting faith, not man-centered, money focused fear, is what we need.

Here are some questions to think through and talk about.

What are some things you are afraid of?How does the fear of people impact the way you live your life?
What are some truths you need to remember that will help you focus more on faith in God than fear of man?


Chapter 20 Holiness

Welcome to the 20th week of reading the book Holiness.
This week's chapter is "Christ is All"

I want to encourage you to continue reading this great book 
or to start reading it today.

For general info about the reading schedule go to 

Here are the questions for this seventeenth chapter.

GENERAL (Questions for each chapter)

1.  What is a quote or two from Chapter 19 that stood out to you?

2.  What was something this chapter said about God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?

3. What was something this chapter said about man?

4.  What was something this chapter said about how a Christian is to live?  
Think general and specific applications.

5.  What is the most significant thing that you learned from this chapter?


The Emotions of Easter – Joy of Palm Sunday!

Introduction to the 5 days of readings.

Throughout this week (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday), there are going to be five posts with Bible reading, quotes and some questions  for you and your family with the theme of "The Emotions of Easter!"

The five emotions are joy, fear, disgust, anger, and sadness.   These emotions also correspond to the emotions in Disney’s Inside Out.  One of the reasons I originally decided to write the post with these emotions is because of an article entitled “Talking About ‘Inside Out’” by Jeremy Pierre.  In the article Pierre writes “Emotions reveal desires.”  It is my prayer that ultimately the Holy Spirit and God’s Word would draw you and your family even closer to God.  These posts are a collection of resources that will hopefully help you look into God’s Word and examine your motives and desires.

The Bible reading is the Triumphal Entry.

On Palm Sunday, Jesus entrance into the city is filled with joy!  Branch waving, coat dropping, Hosanna shouting joy!  Take time to read the Triumphal Entry account in Matthew 21:1 – 11; Mark 11:1 – 11; Luke 19:28 – 44; John 12:12 – 19. 

Here are some questions to think through and talk about.

What is joy?

Christian joy is a good feeling in the soul, produced by the Holy Spirit, as he causes us to see the beauty of Christ in the Word and in the world.
Now understand, describing joy as a good feeling is not a bad thing.  You don't necessarily have control over your feelings.  When you think about what God has done for you through Jesus Christ it should make you joyful.

What brings you joy?

What do you do when you are joyful?

Here are some additional readings about the joy of Palm Sunday.

Here are some quotes regarding the Joy of Palm Sunday from an article entitled "The Strange and Wonderful Ride."  Click HERE for the entire article.

“Joy shines on Palm Sunday — a joy, as we now know, that anticipates a supernova of gladness coming on the following Sunday. In the thrill of hope, the crowds rehearse the praises of Psalm 118, pining that perhaps this is, at long last, the great 'Son of David,' the promised royal rescuer, riding into the Holy City to definitively save his people.”

“Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” (Matthew 21:9).  Hosanna— a Hebrew declaration of adoration and delight — is the refrain for this triumphal entry."

“The joy of Palm Sunday is a shadow of the joy to come.  Yet the joy of Palm Sunday forecasts the unrivaled euphoria to come on Easter morning.”

“In Jesus our joy comes from the most unlikely place.”

“The long-awaited Messiah comes not in human glory, but peculiar glory — the glory of strength in weakness, the glory of indomitable joy in excruciating pain, the glory of the Lion of Judah who gives himself as the Lamb of God. He comes on a donkey’s colt to be the stone the builders will utterly reject on Friday, and that God himself will unveil as the very cornerstone on Sunday morning.”