
Importance of the Bible in Ministry

"The Bible is a story that preaches a message.  From the beginning to the end, the Bible tells a single story of salvation."  Sound Doctrine by Bobby Jamieson.

For example, those who wondered if The Trellis and the Vine and The Vine Project from Matthias Media discuss an every-member word ministry, a church ministry mindset in which every church member and every form of church ministry seeks to help each person hear the gospel, grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ, and become better equipped to share Christ with others.  

Payne and Marshall respond to the critique that this type of every-member work ministry would devalue expository preaching and the work of the preacher with the following.
In our view, the word ministry of pastoral leadership (especially in expository preaching) takes on an even greater importance when it is seen in relation to a flourishing ‘every member word ministry’. For the sermon is not just one word ministry among many; it is the foundational word ministry that feeds and regulates and builds all the others… In his preaching, a pastor sounds the tuning fork so that the whole orchestra knows in what key to play. He teaches and guards the sound deposit of the gospel so that all may know it clearly and thoroughly (for how else will they speak it?). He shows them not only what the Bible says, but how they can read and speak that truth for themselves. He constantly teaches the sound doctrinal framework that shapes the Bible reading and speaking of the whole congregation. (p. 117)

Ministry needs to be rooted in the Bible because the Bible is sufficient, clear, authoritative, and necessary.  The graphic below explains each of these.

To see the poster and more info, click on the image

What do we use the Bible for?  Many answers to this question exist, but we looked at three VERY BASIC uses in our class discussion.

  1. Evangelism
  2. Personal, spiritual growth
  3. Corporate, spiritual growth

In teaching the lesson on Sunday morning, I wanted to allow those in attendance to encourage others with God's word.  Here is how this happened.

Each person was given one of the passages below and told to summarize what it says about the Bible.  Along with this assignment, each person shared a verse that has been an encouragement and help.

Here are short sentences explaining what each verse says about God's Word.

  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17:  The Bible is from God and for the good of those who hear it.
  • Romans 15:4:  The Bible was written for instruction and gives hope.
  • Matthew 24:35:  The Bible will not pass away.
  • Isaiah 55:11:  The Word of the Lord will not pass away.
  • Hebrews 4:12—13:  The Bible is sharper than a two-edged sword.
  • 2 Peter 1:19—21:  The Bible is a lamp shining in a dark place and comes from God.
  • Galatians 3:21—22:  The Bible gives life and gives us Christ.
  • 2 Peter 3:15—16:  The Bible can be challenging to read and used for sinful purposes.  
  • Luke 24:27:  All of scripture points to Jesus Christ.
  • Matthew 4:4:  The Bible gives life.
