What has happened since then.
1. I finished my first summer school module at seminary.
2. We visited my family in Pittsburgh. During that time
- Joel had his first "roller coaster" ride
- We also saw the Thomas the Train.
- We celebrated Josiah's first birthday.
3. We visited Krista's parents in Toledo. During that time
- We also went to the Toledo Zoo and saw the twin polar bears.
- I went to the graduation ceremony for Emmanuel's Class of 2007.
- We celebrated Josiah's first birthday.
4. Border's cut back on hours during the summer.
5. I started working maintenance here on campus two days a week.
6. We found out Josiah will probably need to get tubes in his ears. He goes to an ear/nose/throat doctor on 7/13.
7. Joel said he had one of the most exciting days of his life on 6/18. He received a paint splattered Thomas the Train in the mail and the swimming pool here at BBC opened.
8. The toe nail on Krista's big toe was almost torn off. She sees a foot doctor Monday (6/25) to see what needs to be done.
!! Getting to see so many family and friends during our visits to Pittsburgh, Toledo and Canton.
!! It was great to be back in our Adult Sunday School class at Emmanuel.
!! God is so amazing in how He provides for our needs. I want to always remember to be thankful for that.
* Josiah's doctor appointment regarding his ears.
* Krista's doctor appointment regarding her foot.
* My next summer class begins 7/9.
* I need to finish up a paper from my first summer module. The due date is this upcoming Friday (6/29)
* Preparation for the Jamaica Mission I will be going on this October.
* My work situation during the summer with schedules at Borders and BBC. It appears there will not be much conflict in scheduling.
Here is a picture of Josiah celebrating his One year birthday in Toledo. We celebrated in Pittsburgh and Clarks Summit also.

Two pictures taken of the boys by one of the girls in the dorm. Aren't they cute.