
Belated New Year's Eve post

I haven't posted in quite some time.  There are several different reasons for that.
But I did want to share a great resource that I shared on New Year's.  Here is what I posted on Facebook at the end of 2019.
"This life is hard YET God is good."
Tonight (12.31.19) I decided to bring in the new year with College Park Church's Dare to Hope | Ignite19 - www.cpcresources.net/dare-to-hope-video/
The book Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy, more so the Biblical message of the book, has been such a help to me this year.  This video is about 90 minutes of Biblical truth shared through reading, singing, and speaking.  Five original songs of lament written by CPC members along with other songs.  Two of my favorite are "In Christ Alone (1:01:30) and "Be With You" (1:12:30),
 Not with Krista, Joel, Josiah, Jadyn or anyone else but I am thankful for the time of private lament/worship/prayer and the opportunity to sing some of these songs out loud.
I want to encourage you to watch this - Dare to Hope video - if you are going through hard times right now, heading into some hard times you didn't even know about, or if you know someone that is going through or heading into hard times.