
Unexpected and Unplanned Overnighter!

This past week we were on vacation with Krista's family at Little Eden Camp in Onekama, Michigan.  On  our  way home Krista and I planned to stop at Grand Rapids to look at some houses.  We are not able to see the house we are most interested in until tomorrow (Sunday).
So Krista and I have an unexpected/unplanned overnight stay in Grand Rapids.  
One of the benefits is we will be able to "visit" West Cannon Baptist Church before we start. 
After church, we will see the house and then quickly heading back to Toledo for our farewell at Emmanuel Baptist Church.
We are VERY THANKFUL for Krista's parents keeping the kids longer than they expected/planned for.  

Throughout this whole transition process we have been learning over and over again that life is about God and his glory not my comfort and plan!

As Proverbs 21:30 says "No wisdom, no understanding, no knowledge can avail against the Lord."

It is my prayer that we would glorify God 
in our plans and expectations and
In the unplanned and unexpected.

Pray for our time with our church family at West Cannon Baptist Church.
Pray for wisdom as we see this house tomorrow.
Pray for our trip back to Toledo, OH.
Pray for tomorrow night's farewell service at Emmanuel Baptist Church.