BBC Defenders’ Basketball camp has ending. The sound of bouncing basketballs around campus has come to an end. We were able to watch Emmanuel play a couple of games.
The last couple of weeks have been a real whirlwind for us.
May 26 through June 6
I had a two week class at the seminary.
Joel lost a couple of his teeth. He has a great big toothless smile.
June 13 through 22
We traveled to Toledo.
- On the way we stopped at my mom’s and spent two days there.
- We were able to go to Emmanuel Baptist Church two Sundays in a row..
- During the week, from Monday through Thursday, I attend a conference on Church Planting. The conference was in Medina, OH.
June 23 through July 3
I am now in a two week class at the seminary.
Krista is finishing up a graduate course in order to keep her teacher certification.
Joel is attending VBS at a friend’s church.
Josiah, along with Joel, loves to run around campus and watch the squirrels. Actually Krista and I like to do this with the boys.
The ministry at the Scranton Rescue Mission (the website link is in the personal link section) has been going well. I have had several opportunities to preach and talk with several of the men who come to the mission.
I have also led singing twice.
Yes you read that correctly. One of the things working at the mission has been teaching me is a lesson I thought I had learned in the Dominican Republic and at Emmanuel. In ministry FLEXIBILITY is important.
Please continue to be praying for us as a family and the ministry opportunities God has given us.