
Coming to the end of summer classes

BBC Defenders’ Basketball camp has ending. The sound of bouncing basketballs around campus has come to an end. We were able to watch Emmanuel play a couple of games.

The last couple of weeks have been a real whirlwind for us.

May 26 through June 6
I had a two week class at the seminary.

Joel lost a couple of his teeth. He has a great big toothless smile.

June 13 through 22
We traveled to Toledo.
- On the way we stopped at my mom’s and spent two days there.
- We were able to go to Emmanuel Baptist Church two Sundays in a row..
- During the week, from Monday through Thursday, I attend a conference on Church Planting. The conference was in Medina, OH.

June 23 through July 3
I am now in a two week class at the seminary.
Krista is finishing up a graduate course in order to keep her teacher certification.
Joel is attending VBS at a friend’s church.
Josiah, along with Joel, loves to run around campus and watch the squirrels. Actually Krista and I like to do this with the boys.

The ministry at the Scranton Rescue Mission (the website link is in the personal link section) has been going well. I have had several opportunities to preach and talk with several of the men who come to the mission.

I have also led singing twice.
Yes you read that correctly. One of the things working at the mission has been teaching me is a lesson I thought I had learned in the Dominican Republic and at Emmanuel. In ministry FLEXIBILITY is important.

Please continue to be praying for us as a family and the ministry opportunities God has given us.