Thankful, Even When It Hurts PDF
Friday morning sermon notes - HERE
Sermon notes from a very similar message at West Cannon on Sunday night - HERE
The audio of the Sunday night message - HERE
Friday night sermons notes - HERE
Throughout our lives we have been so blessed with friendships and ministry opportunities. This blog is meant to share what God has been doing in, for and through us. It is also used as a resource page for teaching and preaching Dave has had the opportunity to do. We do this for the purpose of GLORIFYING GOD and HELPING OTHERS GLORIFY GOD.
Link to Various Pages
Family Camp Thursday |
This is the Theology Matters video shown Thursday night.
Thursday morning notes are HERE
Thursday evening notes are HERE
Family Camp Wednesday
Before we look at the lampstand, let's go to Exodus 25
- Chapters 25 - 31: Directions on how to worship God
- Chapters 32 - 34: Disobeying God's plan. Setting up their own form of worship.
- Chapters 35 - 40: Obeying God's plan
The Menorah/The Lampstand purpose of the lampstand is clearly given in the Bible - to provide light for the priest.
Here are some New Testament verses on the light.
- John 8:12 - Jesus is the light.
- Ephesians 5:8 - Followers of Christ are children of light.
- Psalm 110:105 - The Word of God is a light.
Wednesday morning notes are HERE
Wednesday evening notes are HERE
Family Camp Tuesday
Read Scripture: Ephesians from The Bible Project on Vimeo.
Tuesday evening notes are available HERE.
The FIRST TABERNACLE "EXPERIENCE" was the cleansing of sin by the blood.
The SECOND TABERNACLE "EXPERIENCE" was at the bronze laver.
The application for believers is that
we are forgiven by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary
we are washed or cleansed through the Holy Spirit and His Word
A summary of Ephesians 1
Praise be to God who chose and predestined us to be redeemed through Christ, to the praise of his glorious grace (1:3 - 10).
Both you and I have been chosen in Christ and sealed with the Holy Spirit to the praise of His glory (1:11-14).
I thank God and pray for you, that you may know Christ better as well as his power for you (1:15-23).
If you look at Paul's prayer of thanksgiving in 1:15-16
changes to prayer of supplication in 1:17-19
and reminder of who Jesus is in 1:20-23
Tuesday evening notes are available HERE.
Family Camp Monday |
Some of the points and quotes from tonight's message were taken from the 2nd lesson of Capitol Hill Baptist's New Testament overview Core Seminar Class. This specific lesson along with other lessons can be downloaded by following the links at
Here is a basic outline of Hebrews.
- The first part of Hebrews reminds us who Jesus is.
- The second part (8:1 - 10:18) focuses on what Jesus did.
- he final section is about what we have because of Jesus (10:19 - 13:18)
Dangers in our struggle to persevere
In Messages of the New Testament, Mark Dever gives seven dangers that the writer of Hebrews lays out throughout the book to warn these struggling Christians.
1. Ignoring what God has done in Christ
“We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” (2:1) God’s Word must be studied carefully, particularly what it has to say about Christ and what He has done.2. Not Believing God
“See to it brothers that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.” (3:12) A heart that believes God is a heart that doesn’t just know the Scriptures, but seeks to understand the implications of what God has said and apply it to our lives.
3. Ceasing to Grow
“though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again…Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity.” (5:12, 6:1) The writer of Hebrews doesn’t know multiple classes of Christians, those who are growing and those that are not. While there may be different levels of Christian maturity, Scripture understands all Christians to be growing Christians. A Christian that does not bear fruit must consider whether they are actually a Christian at all.
4. Not persevering in holiness
“If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.” (10:26-27) Repetitious and unrepentant sin in the life of a professing believer is a very serious matter. Sin is scary indeed. Dever says, “If we remain unholy, we show that Christ’s sacrifice has been ineffective in our lives; and if Christ’s sacrifice has been ineffective in our lives, what hope do we have?”
5. Losing Faith
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (11:1) The author of Hebrews knew that losing faith was a danger, so he provides this section in chapter 11 to exemplify what Christian faith looks like. It is characterized by a hope that is rooted in certainty. Hope is the result of faith in a reality we have not yet seen, but know exists.
6. Rejecting Discipline
“Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” (12:10-11) The Christian must be one that learns to listen to God’s correction and obey that correction. Without accepting God’s discipline, we will not produce the harvest of righteousness He has prepared for us.
7. Refusing This Warning
“See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven?” (12:25) Refusing to listen to the warning God has given us though this book will mean there is no escape from His judgment.
Will you heed the message of Hebrews, will you believe in Christ, will you trust in the work He has accomplished to atone for the sins of all those who repent and trust in Him?
Monday Night's sermon notes can be found HERE
Monday Night's sermon notes can be found HERE
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