Now if you went to, you saw they listed this as a review week.
Instead of doing a review week, I decided to use a verse that will help us focus on what the church needs to be about, not just through 2018, but until Jesus returns for His bride!
The church's and West Cannon's Great Commission, discple-making purpose is an IMPOSSIBLE TASK!
As this "Look At the Book" video points out, we can share information but we cannot cause people to obey.
The Great Commission also includes an impossible target - ALL the nations. How can our church in Western Michigan, or wherever your church is, make disciples in ALL the nations?
We need to think differently.
The Great Commission is so much more than just getting more people to show up to our church building during our church services and church programs.
We need to pray differently.
The Great Commission challenges us to depend upon God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Our prayers need to recognize the truth that God is sovereign, holy, and loving. God is also the Great Provider. He will not call us to do something that He does not also give us the power to do.
We need to serve differently.
The IMPOSSIBLE task of the Great Commission is not a short-term task. We need to remember this Great Commission is a long game. It is an investment.
These verses and this video remind each believer that our unfinished task needs to be done God's way and in God's power.
I am excited to be part of a church that wants to be an active part of God's amazing work through the church in Grand Rapids and beyond.
I am excited to be part of a church that
- wants to continue equipping our church members to be and make disciples.
- wants to renew our ability to help other churches and pastors in the area grow in their disciplemaking mission.
- wants to continue partnering with Gospel preaching and teaching missionaries around the world who are helping God's church grow.
For more about the Fighter Verses go to