Throughout our lives we have been so blessed with friendships and ministry opportunities. This blog is meant to share what God has been doing in, for and through us. It is also used as a resource page for teaching and preaching Dave has had the opportunity to do. We do this for the purpose of GLORIFYING GOD and HELPING OTHERS GLORIFY GOD.
Link to Various Pages
Today Josiah said...
Krista told me he said it earlier today when he saw a picture on the refrigerator.
Today at dinner she asked him to say it and he did and then he put his face into his plate of hamburger. It was such a moment for me.
1. He said daddy.
2. He is already starting to practice for all those crazy food skits that his dad did at so many different camps.
Some September Activities and some prayer requests
This past weekend the admissions department had an iView (College Preview) weekend.
Part of the weekend involved a fun event Friday night with inflatables, dunk tanks and food.
This is Krista and one of the girls from the dorm "jousting." Krista did lose the match.
Some things to be praying for:
-Pray for our time together as a family. Joel and Josiah (along with Krista and I) are looking forward to a visit from Gramma and Grampa this next week.
-My mission trip to Jamaica begins on October 19th. (Mission trip prayer website: )
-Krista's ministry with the girls in the dorm. Pray that she would be able to encourage and comfort those girls who need it and challenge all of the girls to grow in their relationships with God. The last two dorm devotional times seem to have gone well.
-Bible Conference (October 10-12) and Homecoming (October 13).
-I am now the Junior class advisor at BBC.
-pray for me and the Junior Class leadership team
-pray for the Junior class chapel on October 18.
-pray for the planning of the Junior/Freshmen bowling social on October 19. (I will not be there but the leadership team has been doing a good job of planning.)
-I am continuing to work on classes. Pray for focus as I am working on assignments and reading.