
Tough Questions Week 2

For all Tough Question posts, click HERE

Week 2 of "How Do I Answer Tough Questions?  Conscience and DIscernible Issues?"  focused on "Conscience:  What is it?  Why is it important?"

HERE is the link to the lesson worksheet.  
HERE is the link to the Conscience Verses sheet.

This is why the graphic for the class is a Check Engine light.

We don't want to ignore our conscience like some might with a Check Engine light.
At the same time, there may be times when we have to get the Check Engine light recalibrated and fixed because it is not working correctly.  

The definition Naselli & Crowley give is "The conscience is your consciousness of what you believe is right or wrong." (Conscience:  What is it, How to train it, and Loving those who differ)

They go on to share three important truths about our consciences. First, "conscience produces different results for people based on different moral standards." No one's conscience is perfect.  Second, "conscience can change."  As an individual experiences life and learns, that person's conscience changes.  Finally, "conscience functions as a guide, monitor, witness, and judge."  The conscience is not Lord.

The conscience can be positive- blameless, clear, clean, pure, washed, sprinkled clean. 
The conscience can be negative - weak, wounded, defiled, encouraged to sin, evil, and seared.

 As we think about discernible issues, we must remember that "your conscience is not identical to the voice of God."  (61)


Podcast:  https://www.crossway.org/articles/podcast-mind-your-own-conscience-and-love-your-neighbor-andy-naselli-and-j-d-crowley/
Article:  12 Principles on How to Disagree with Other Christians
Article:  How Reliable Is Your Conscience?

A Prayer from Conscience (p. 116-117)

Father, we are finite and sinful people, and for a complex of reasons that you know far better than we do, we disagree with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ on all sorts of disputable matters.

    1. Would you please give us grace to welcome those who disagree with us on various disputable issues?
    2. Would you please give us grace to not look down on those who are stricter than we are?
    3. Would you please give us grace to not be judgmental toward those who exercise more freedom than we do?
    4. Would you please give us grace to be fully convinced of our positions in our own consciences?
    5. Would you please give us the grace to practice our freedoms and restrictions for your glory and to assume that other believers are doing the same?
    6. Would you please give us the grace to keep disputable matters in perspective, knowing that we will all someday stand before your judgment seat?
    7. Would you please give us the grace to grace to not let our freedom destroy the faith of a professing Christian who is weaker on a particular disputable matter?
    8. Would you please give us grace to build each other up in righteousness, peace, and joy?
    9. Would you please give us grace to not flaunt our freedom or expect others to be as strict as we are?
    10. Would you please give us the grace to live according to our conscience and experience your blessing?
    11. Would you please give us grace to follow the example of Christ, who put others first?
    12. Would you please give use grace to bring you glory by welcoming one another as Christ has welcomed us?

Lord, we are weak and selfish.  We need so much endurance and encouragement to live with our brothers and sisters in this way of peace.  You are the God of endurance and encouragement.  Please grant us to live in such harmony with one another and in accord with Christ Jesus that together we may, with one voice, glorify you, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  
