

The 3rd Week of the Mark of Christian Study is focused on JOY, one of the fruit of the Spirit.

There is a difference between eternal, biblical opponent and temporary, circumstantial joy.

Eternal, Biblical Joy is not temporary.  Fruit of the Spirit Joy is forever.

Eternal, Biblical Joy is not dependent on other people.  It depends on God's goodness.

Eternal, Biblical Joy is not earned.  It depends on God, not us.

Eternal, Biblical Joy comes from the Holy Spirit, who never changes and never leaves us unattended.

The Lord provides us with strength amid crisis through joy.

Difficulties between believers can be overcome because of the joy given by the Spirit.

Other benefits of Eternal, Biblical Joy include the following:

  • verification of belief
  • spiritual unity
  • growing relationships
  • encouragement for our godly leaders

God gives us joy in His presence
God's precepts provide joy to our hearts.
God is our strength, our shield, and our hearts' trust.

Our church motto: Joyfully Pursuing the Living God.