(updated on July 7, 2020)
Psalm 34
Very thankful for the opportunity to preach from this Psalm a couple of times this summer.
It is filled with deep truth and heartfelt expressions of who God is.
To celebrate God, David uses each letter of the Hebrew alphabet to begin the verse. This type of Psalm is called an acrostic. In preaching the sermon on the first three verses of this Psalm, I decided to use a similar format in my sermon outline.
- Always praise God (v. 1)
- Boast in God and Be humble (v. 2)
- Come together to praise God (v. 3)
As a result of actively thinking about who God is and how great God is, David is overwhelmed with the need to invite others to worship with him, to magnify God, and exalt His name.
It is my hope and prayer that these resources will stir in you a desire to worship God more and invite others to join you in that worship.
Here are some sermon-based questions
- What do you tend to put your hope in when you know it should be God?
- Why is a foundation so important? Why are "always praise God," "boast in the LORD and be humble," and "come together to worship God" foundational parts of worship?
- If you want to grow as a worshipper of God, what do you specifically need to pray and do?
Fighter Verses page for Psalm 34:1-3
https://fighterverses.com/set-5-core-esv/week-26/ has two devotionals
Let's Begin (June 27, 2020)
Contagious Worship: All the Time, All Together (June 30, 2015)
There are going to be seven additional posts related to Psalm 34 throughout the summer. Each post will contain a link to that week's Fighter Verses devotional. Some of the posts will contain a little more than that.
Time For the Talk: Leading Your Son Into True Manhood post (https://drodgersjr.blogspot.com/2014/09/time-for-talk-leading-your-son-into.html) that contains the following definition of humility along with some other keywords.
To pursue humility means choosing to accept the fact that your knowledge and abilities are limited and in light of that, you are regularly seeking help and graciously receiving advice and correction.
While this book is specifically to sons and fathers, it contains teaching that would be helpful for any parent. The six character qualities are especially helpful.
Telescope Magnification Resource
When David says "I will magnify God with thanksgiving," he does not mean: "I will make a small God look bigger than he is . He means: "I will make a big God begin to look as big as he really is." We are not called to be microscopes, but telescopes."
The whole duty of the Christian can be summed up in this: feel, think and act in a way that will make God look as great as he really is. Be a telescope for the world of the infinite starry wealth of the glory of God."
For the whole message, go to https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/i-will-magnify-god-with-thanksgiving
Family Resource Link
This link is to a short children's lesson on this passage - www.pursuegodkids.org/praise-god-everyday-psalm-34/
God has provided me with the opportunity to preach at three different churches in July and August. I am going to be preaching the same passage at these churches. On July 5, I preached at our church, Trinty Baptist Church in Grand Rapids. I will also be preaching for two pastor friends while they are on vacation. On July 26, I will be at Oakfield Baptist Church in Rockford where Chris Minor serves as pastor. On July 2, I will preach at Montrose Baptist Church where Shane Miller serves as pastor.
Pray that as I share the message of always hoping in Jesus Christ these churches would be encouraged. Also for these Shane, Chris, Brett, our pastor at TBC, and other pastors who continue to faithfully serve the Lord during these very challenging times.