
No Classes this week

This week is a module week. This is also the first module week where I will not be taking a class or going to a tropical country.

I am hoping to get work done for my classes. Papers to write. Books to read. Greek to translate. It is definitely work and it definitely is tiresome at times but I am so thankful for the opportunity God has given us to be here. I have been learning so much from the classrooms, Junior class advising and living in the dorm.

Some prayer requests for this week:
1. Pray that Krista would be feeling better. On Saturday she was very sick. She is feeling better but still needs to recuperate.
2. Day of Prayer is this Tuesday.
-I am doing a workshop on prayer journaling. See previous post to find out more information about this. This is at 11:30 am until 12:30 pm
-the women dorms are doing a Resident Director swap for dorm devotions. Krist will be doing devotions for the dorm next door (Thomson).
-there are various prayer focus times throughout the day. Pray that students and staff will use the day to focus on prayer.
3. Pray that I would be able to get a lot of school work done this work.

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