
Our Father in Heaven

A couple of nights ago we were doing a family devotions before bed.

We read a devotional called "
The Perfect Dad." At one point in the devotional Krista asked Josiah who our father in heaven is. With a quick response he said "God." What followed was a very thoughtful look, a couple of seconds and another answer. "And Pappy" (which is what we call David's dad).

For those who don't know, my dad passed away several years ago. Well, reflecting back on Josiah's answer I realized two things:
  1. It was not very theological sound. O.K. so I am a seminary student.
  2. It brought joy to my heart. I am very thankful that my earthly father is in heaven. I know that this is by grace that he has been saved through faith - and this not from himsef, it is the gift of my heavenly father. (adapted from Ephesians 2:8).

Pray for Josiah. He is having his tonsils and adenoids removed on June 18th.

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