
Marks of a Christian Summer Study

This Summer's Combined Study is "Marks of a Christian."
We will study 13 marks/characteristics of a Christian - the Fruit of the Spirit and several other Christ-like qualities.

There are 13 marks/characteristics we will go through this summer. 
They are the Fruit of the Spirit from  Galatians 5:22-23 and several key virtues from a book entitled Time for the Talk.  This book is very helpful in leading sons into manhood, but the 6 virtues are good ones for parents to teach and model for their boys and girls. They are also great virtues for all of us to live out.  You can read the link for a better understanding of the book.  During the July combined parents/children time, the focus will be on using those four virtues in parenting.
If you want to read more about this book go to drodgersjr.blogspot.com/2014/09/time-for-talk-leading-your-son-into.html.

Each class will be designed to 
  • help you understand a mark better
  • know how to pray regarding that mark
  • equip the church to live that mark out.

Here is the schedule
    June 2... Humility 
    June 9... Love
    June 16... Joy 
    June 23... Peace
    June 30... Patience  

    July 7... Courage
    July 14... Purity
    July 21... Faithfulness
    July 28... Selflessness

    August 4... Kindness
    August 11... Goodness
    August 18... Gentleness 
    August 25... Self-Control

Additional "Marks of a Christian" resources
The Fruitful Life by Jerry Bridges Hoopla  |  Amazon
The Character of Christ  Amazon

For all the Marks of Christian posts, click HERE

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