
Theology Matters

All Intro to Theology Summer Study posts can be found HERE.

Sunday kicks off Trinity's Combined Adult Christian Education Class "Theology Matters:  Introduction to Theology."

The first class is titled "Why Theology Matters?"

This specific class has two purposes. 

  1. To why we are doing an introduction to theology class at TBC this summer - introduce theology and doctrine to our church. (Why "Theology Matters"?)
  2. To show the importance of the study of doctrine and theology for the individual and the church. (Why theology matters?)

HERE is the note sheet for the first week.

In the class, we will answer three questions.

Why NOT do a "Theology Matters" Church-Wide Study? (I know, poor grammar but it is a teaching device)

  • We don't do a study of theology with the sole purpose of learning more information.  Consider what Paul prayed for the Colossians in 1:9-14, from last week's prayer time.
  • Some would say we shouldn't do a study like this because "doctrine divides, Jesus/Love unites."
  • Others would say we can never fully know God, so why try to know him at all.
  • These are three, among many, reasons why people study or avoid the study of theology and doctrine.

Why do a "Theology Matters" Church-Wide Study?

  • Because of what a true study of doctrine/theology leads to

  • Because theology is at the foundation of every part of our lives
  • Because theology helps us to think rightly and practically

Why do a "Theology Matters" Church-Wide Study Like This?

  • To equip families with children and teens to think rightly about doctrine.  During this summer study, tbcgrkidz.org will have Theology Matters resources for families with kids
  • To think systematically about important doctrines
  • To grow in our worship as a church family
  • To help us see the unity we have in Christ.
  • During the class, we will discuss different types of theology (systematic, biblical, historical, and biographical) and why we are doing a systematic theology study now.

Why "Theology Matters"?   Because theology matters.   

Throughout the summer, various books, websites, and other resources will be shared with the church.

Here is a list of the dates, topics, and teachers.

Chapters of Urban Legends of Theology by Michael Wittmer connected to this doctrine: 
It is Important to Believe In Something, and It Does Not Matter What (Ch. 1)
Teohlogy Puts God In a Box (Ch. 2)

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