
Made Holy - Monday

This summer Trinity Baptist Church's Adult Sunday School class has been an 8-week combined study on Holiness.  I was asked to teach the Week 7 (Made Holy) and Week 8 (Be Holy) lessons.  

I shared the following definition 

a progressive work of God, initiated, empowered, and eventually completed by God, in and with the believer that makes the believer more and more free from sin and transforms the believer more and more into the image of Christ (adapted from Grudem and MacArthur's Systematic Theology).

This quote from J.C. Ryle, who lived from 1816 to 1900, is still very true today.  

"I do not have a desire to make an idol of holiness.  I do not wish to dethrone Christ and put holiness in His place.  But I must candidly say, I wish sanctification was more thought of in this day than it seems to be, and I, therefore, take occasion to press the subject on all believers into whose hands these pages may fall.  I fear it is sometimes forgotten that God has married together justification and sanctification.  They are distinct and different things, beyond question, but one is never found without the other.  

At the end of this Sunday's Adult Sunday School class, I gave an assignment to the class.

  • Remember/Rehearse what God has done for you throughout this past week.
  • Plan to share an encouraging thing you remembered, learned or did.


Find a passage of scripture like the ones we looked at in class (Ephesian 2 and Romans 1) that show the transformation from death to life.  Meditate on the verse.  Memorize the verse.


Find song that sing Biblical truth.  Here is a link to the song we listened to in class - Only A Holy God.

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