This morning's Genesis class adult Bible class is going to have a time of
reviewing 1 John 1-3
reflecting on what God has been teaching us and doing in our lives
praying for one another, our class, and West Cannon Baptist Church.
I have included some basic outline points and a great quote from Christ-Centered Exposition: 1, 2, 3 John
1 John 1:1-4
Jesus Christ is the God-man who is the one basis of true Christian fellowship and eternal life.1 John 1:5-2:2
Jesus is our atonement and our advocate who reconciles us to God and sends us out to share the gospel message into the world.1 John 2:3-11
True followers of Jesus will have assurance in their salvation becasue they know, love and obey him.1 John 2:12-17
Those who truly love and follow Christ must not fall in love with the things of this world but rather with the Father who gives them everything they need.1 John 2:18-27
There have always been those and more will come who actively oppose Christ and the gospel; Christians must resist such error and cling to the truth of God as revealed by the Spirit in the Scriptures.1 John 2:28-3:3
True believers will remain in fellowship with Christ and the blessings that come through communion with Him.1 John 3:4-10
Jesus Christ came to redeem and renew sinners by paying the penalty of sin and defeating the Devil.1 John 3:11-17
Those who truly belong to God in Christ will live and love after the pattern of Jesus rather than the pattern of the world.1 John 3:18-24
God uses biblical truths and the gift of His Spirit to provide assurance and comfort to his beloved children.
Here is a challenging, extended quote from that same book.
We Christians must never forget that we have more in common with a Chinese Christian, an African sister and a brother in South America than a next door neighbor who does not know Christ. And never forget that this eternal life that has transformed us is the eternal life we must proclaim to our neighbor here and among the nations in order that they might become family.
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