
The Green Plants / Mary's Magnificent God - December 2

Additional Resource on 3 Christmas Pitfalls for Parents 

The Green Plants


The whole world was created by God. Can you name something that God made? God made everything that we see around us–the earth, the water, the plants, the animals. Even the bright sun and the moon were set in space by God. And God made every person that lives and ever has lived. After God made the world, he said that it was good. But it was only good as long as the people obeyed God. Then Adam and Eve, the first people, chose to disobey and stopped trusting God. Ever since that day sin and death have been a part of our world. But God always had a beautiful plan to rescue the people and restore his creation. The coming of Jesus is at the center of God’s plan.
O God, we praise you because you are good, and you made good things. Even when sin and death entered our world, you always had a plan to restore it. Thank you, God.
Bible Readings: Psalm 104:24-30; Romans 8:18-25

Another Advent Reading Plan is Good News of Great Joy
by John Piper

You can watch an introduction video and/or download the whole book at www.desiringgod.org/books/good-news-of-great-joy

You can also get the daily reading at www.desiringgod.org/articles/mary-s-magnificent-god

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