
Intentionally leading my children as a father, not as a pastor...

From the book Shift:  What it Takes To Finally Reach Families Today
This part is to pastors and ministry leaders as it relates to children and family ministries:

"I know.  I know.  All the meetings and people at church consume your time and energy, leaving none for the spiritual formation of your children.  Maybe you believe that working hard to make church a life-changing experience is the same thing as helping your children develop spiritually.  If you can just lead your church to have the best children's ministry and the best youth ministry, your own children will get everything they need spiritually.  You know that isn't true according to Scripture, but often this is the way we practice life.  If this is the case, recognize your personal need to adjust your life to God's plan.  Make it your priority to become the primary faith influencer of the children living in your home."

After read this quote I wrote "I need to be sure to disciple my own children."

In talking about and promoting parents being the primary disciple makers in their children's lives, I need to remember that I need to be listening to and living out that truth in my life.

I want to influence my children.
I don't want that influence to only be when I am at the church building in the role of pastor.
I want to influence them throughout each and every day and night as their dad!

The title of this post is "Intentionally leading my children as a father, not as a pastor..."
I have the unique opportunity to be the family ministry pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church.  So I am one of the pastors of my children but I want my influence to be so much more than that.

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