
Monday is done!!

A very busy week and lots of prayer needs and praises.

Krista is not feeling well. She has a bad sore throat and just picked up a prescription that will hopefully help her get better. Pray she would feel better quickly.

I have a five day work week this week. Please be praying that I would be able to be a godly testimony to my co-workers.

First week back to classes after four weeks of interim.

Monday classes are done.
Handed in my projects and took my test. Not sure how I did. Some of it seemed really easy and other parts a little more challenging.

I am going to begin my final preparations for tomorrow.
Greek Test
Preach a sermon on James 2:14-19
One of the quotes I am using in my message is a Jim Elliott quote:
"To believe is to act as though a thing were so. Merely saying a thing is so is no proof of my believing it."

We had a great time with the Jacobs last week.

And an amazing time worshipping with friends from the Dominican Friday night (read the Proskuneo post)

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