
Ministries of the Church WATC

Big Reminder: The church ministries are formal, as listed in the bulletin on the schedule, and informal, as each of us goes throughout the day.

What attributes of God are incommunicable (God alone possesses thus, we cannot have them)?

Omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence, immutability, self-existence (aseity), and eternal

What attributes of God are communicable (We can be like God in these attributes)

His moral attributes:  love, goodness, and kindness

What do these questions about the attributes of God have to do with the ministries of the church?

In the first chapter of Discipling, Mark Dever makes two points.

We change:  “One of God’s incommunicable attributes is that he is immutable.  HE DOESN’T CHANGE.  But we change.” 

We influence and are influenced by others:  "We human beings are open to being influenced...  In fact, I want to take this one step further: all of us will inevitably be influenced by others, and we will influence others."

At the heart of discipleship is that we are not like God – we change.  Change is inevitable.
We should grow in love, goodness, and kindness – we must grow in Christlikeness. 
We can only do this through God's power and for God's glory.
The formal ministries of the church are meant to help us change and be change agents.  
For more verses on discipleship, go to www.crossway.org/articles/10-key-bible-verses-on-discipleship/ and consider what these verses say. 

As we think about the ministries of the church and discipleship, think about these two questions:

  • What is essential for spiritual growth in a believer?
    • The Gospel
    • The Holy Spirit
    • The Word of God
    • The People of God
    • Time
  • What can be helpful but optional for a believer's spiritual growth?  Not necessarily bad, but it can be misplaced.  What are the benefits?  What are potential problems?
    • Books other than the Bible
    • Programs ("new and exciting OR "older and familiar")
    • Events
    • Potlucks

Ministry is NOT programs or events planned to keep people busy and entertained.
Ministry is saints in motion towards Christlikeness for the glory of God.  (from Praying Church by Paul Miller)
The formal ministries of the church are meant to help people grow in godliness, connect with people, and help others do the same. 

Last week's review of the membership included the BAPTIST acrostic.  The letter P is Priesthood of the Believers.  The ministries of the church are directly related to this point.  Each and every member of the church has the opportunity and RESPONSIBILITY to minister to one another.  This is not limited to those who stand between a pulpit.  
Another way to think of the Priesthood of the Believers is the phrase Ministry of the Pew - every believer speaking God's word and truth to one another.

The pastors, elders, and deacons have specific ministries and responsibilities at Trinity.

It is so important that we remember that EACH church member has a ministry at TBC. 

Brochure #2 says, "speaking the Word of God to one another for the glory of God."

The Trellis and The Vine is a book that has influenced Trinity's philosophy of discipleship and programs. The basic idea is that vinework is people-work and discipleship. The trellis are the programs and systems designed to help the discipleship process. It says, "If the real work of God is people-work—the prayerful speaking of His word by one person to another—then the jobs are never all taken. The opportunities for Christians to ministry personally to others are limitless."

With these truths and thoughts about discipleship and ministry, here are some considerations connected to specific ministry programs at Trinity Baptist Church

  • Biblical Counseling
    • Statement from the website:

No matter how long we've been followers of Jesus Christ, everyone needs fellowship and reminders of God's truth to persevere, grow in our faith, and help others do the same.

Such encouragement typically happens through participating in Sunday services and getting together with other Christians regularly for bible study, prayer, and discussion about applying biblical truth to life.

Sometimes, we need help beyond those general means of discipleship and encouragement.  It could be a trial that's hard to process, a long-standing pattern of sin, the impact of unwise choices, or a broken relationship.  How do we continue to obey and trust God when it gets tough? That's the role counseling can take in the Christian life.  It provides intensive and focused support for a particular issue to help us walk in obedience, faithfully steer life's storms, and persevere when hope, reconciliation, or change is impossible.

    • Formally:  Biblical Counseling is meant to help people with difficulties with relationships, emotions, or habits.  This formal counseling involves meeting with someone with specific training, scheduling appointments, and more.
    • Informally:  Everyone should be prepared to help people seek God and search scriptures for help.
  • Women's Ministry & Men's Ministry (Taken from Women's Ministry In the Local Church)
    • They are NOT consumer-oriented.  "We deserve a ministry that focuses on us."  With a consumer focus, the goal is to have EVERY woman or man participate in planned activities. And the ultimate motivation is merely because we love people and want to help them.
    • They need to be Kingdom-oriented:  How can we invest in women or men in a way that equips them as disciples for their own spiritual growth, the good of families and individuals of the church, the betterment of the total ministry of the church, and their life in the world.  With a kingdom orientation, the goal is to serve and encourage every woman or man in the church for God's glory.  And the ultimate motivation is an insatiable longing to see the display of God's glory in the local church. 
  • Children and Families & Teens and Families
    • With both ministries, we want to disciple the children and teens God brings to us and help parents in their role of primary disciple-maker in their child's life.
  • Adult Christian Education classes during regular quarters
    • We want these classes to engage God's Word, God's World, and God's Work.  With these as our goal, we specifically offer the following
      • one book of the Bible class each quarter.
      • Classes on evangelism/missions, theology, prayer, church history, and parenting are regularly repeated.
      • Occasional classes on current issues.

These are four specific words that are not separate ministry programs.  They should be part of everything we do.

Missions:  We should all be involved in Missions.  See the mission's brochure.  We should pray for and support our supported workers in each ministry while encouraging individuals to prayerfully consider serving the Lord in missions.

Evangelism:  This is not one of many programs.  It should be part of everything.

  • The sermons and each ministry should encourage and equip Christians to know and share their faith. The ministries may also offer events to which you can invite unsaved people.

Discipleship: This is not one of many programs.  It should be part of everything.

    • Class, groups, Bible studies, and Children's and Youth ministries are designed to help people connect with others for spiritual growth.
Prayer:  On August 8, we are going to look at PRAYER.



10/08      75th Celebration
10/15      Prayer & the Church
10/22      The Bible & the Church
10/29      Preaching & the Church
11/05      Leadership & the Church
11/12      Discipline & the Church
11/19      The Gathering of the Church 

For every "We Are the Church," click HERE

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