
Thankful for Trinity's Sunday Morning Bulletin

I wrote the following in my journal before this morning's service at Trinty.  I would love to say I do this before every service.  I don't but I do think it is very important for not only the pastor but also the entire congregation to prepare for Sunday morning.

I am very thankful Trinity Baptist Church sends out the bulletin on Friday before the Sunday morning service.
It helps me in at least two different ways.

First, this morning before the service I was able to listen to one of the songs we are going to sing together.  A little private worship listening/singing prepares my heart for corporate worship.

Second, I read and thought about the passage Pastor Brett is going to preach this morning.  This was especially helpful today because
  • I know pedology, part of the sermon title, is not a misspelling.  It is an actual word - soil science.  
  • I can focus on God and His Word as I go into the church building for the church meeting with my church family.  The passage this morning is a very familiar one, Luke 8:4 - 15, the Parable of the Soils.  While reading through the passage I realized I have read and heard this passage preached many times. While it is very familiar, I don't want to go into the church meeting time focused on the fact that I know this passage.   I want to think about the following questions based on the study of Luke 8:4 - 15.
    • What do I, my family, and my church family need to be reminded of?  
      • about God
      • about God's Word
      • about mankind
      • about me, my family, and my church
    • What do I, my family, and my church family need to love or hate more?
    • What do I, my family, and my church family need to do as a result of studying this passage/hearing this sermon?
So, I write all of this to say I am thankful for my church bulletin because it reminds me that church is not about me. 
Before or during Sunday morning service, my mind should not go to "I know that passage and don't need to hear another sermon on it" or "I like/don't like that song."  
I should want to be with my church family to glorify God, grow in sanctification, and encourage others to glorify God and grow in sanctification.

I wrote this part shortly after the sermon.  

Pastor Brett said, "If you want the Word of God to change you, prepare your heart."
A practical way you can prepare for Sunday morning service is to study the passage the pastor will be preaching that morning and maybe even listen to and think through the words of one or more of the songs you will be singing with your church family.  

I have written about how to walk into church in several other posts.  HERE is the first one with several different links to different resources.

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