From The Pastor's Justification
We didn’t do the work; someone else did.
That’s the Christian life. That is pastoral ministry. The work is not ours. It’s Jesus’s. Jesus did the work we were unwilling—and unable!—to do. He killed sin and murdered death. And that is freedom. Knowing we’re not at the center of the story of our church keeps pastoral ministry in perspective; it makes the yoke easy and the burden light because Jesus is bearing them.
This is the key to confidence: we can work because the work is already done. We give the daily pressure of all the anxiety of the church to God.Wilson, Jared C.. The Pastor's Justification: Applying the Work of Christ in Your Life and Ministry (p. 82). Crossway. Kindle Edition.
Please pray that your pastors, leaders and staff will remember that this is God's Work.
Rather than sharing one list of ways to pray, I want to share with you a list of articles on the topic of praying for pastors and leaders.
This introduction and list were originally posted at www.challies.com/articles/pray-for-your-pastor/
If the Apostle Paul told the Corinthians, “You also must help us by prayer” (2 Corinthians 1:11) so that he could endure the hardships of ministry, how much more do you think your local church pastor needs your prayerful support? I’ve been noticing a lot (an awful lot!) of articles lately that call on people to do this very thing. What interests me is that nearly all of these have been written by pastors. The point is clear: Pray for your pastor!
Pastors see the reality of the spiritual battle they face and they long for prayers–your prayers. Here are just a few of the articles that may help with the specifics of what you can pray about:
- “How to Pray for the Pastoral Staff” by John Piper
- “Praying for Your Pastor” by Ligon Duncan
- “How To Pray For Your Pastor As He Steps Into the Pulpit” by Stephen Altrogge
- “How to Pray for Your Pastor” by R. W. Glenn
- “31 Days of Praying for Your Pastor” by Revive Our Hearts
- “Praying for Your Pastor” by Joe Thorn
- “Please Pray for Your Pastor” by Julian Freeman
- “How to Pray for Your Pastor” by Todd Benkert
For more Theology Matters prayer resources click HERE
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