This past week Pastor Duke let me know that he wanted to encourage the church to read this book especially because Missions Emphasis Month. The subtitle of the book reflects a great Missions theme Why the Future Belongs to Churches That Send. So over the last two days I have been rereading sections of this book and getting knocked around by the Holy Spirit because of some things Greear wrote in this challenging book.
Here is one specific thing I have been thinking/processing through....
An Honest, Hard Evaluation of EBC's Soul Care Ministry.
I want to share some incomplete thoughts with you to help us improve the disciple-making work of Emmanuel
I want to share some incomplete thoughts with you to help us improve the disciple-making work of Emmanuel
One of the quotes that really challenged my thinking about Soul Care is
"Maybe the worst failure for a church is success in things that aren't producing reproducing disciples." (139)
Here is a specific question Greear asks in relationship to this quote.
"Are our small group ministries raising up new leaders to plant new groups?"
Now here comes the processing part for me. Please read through to the end
In many ways, I feel like Soul Care has been successful.
- This year, I believe we have over 225 people in groups.
- Over the 5 + years we have been doing Soul Care, attendance has either remained steady or slightly grown. I have spoken with a couple of people who said they thought the small group ministry would lose enthusiasm or die after awhile.
- Many people are connecting in a deeper way with others in the church. I have seen this in my own groups. This includes deeper prayer requests and talking about real life personal problems
At the same time, I think of the Greear quote and question above and cannot help but think our Soul Care ministry has not been as fruitful as I would like (Note the use of the word fruitful not successful here).
- While it has maintained, it has not grown.
- I want to be very clear that I am not saying we need to have hundreds of people in groups. I believe the FIRST and primary mark of a healthy small group is CHRIST-CENTEREDNESS. However, the growth I am talking about is growth in the number of leaders and growth in the ways people engage with others outside of their current group.
- We still have about the same number of groups. In years when we have had growth, the average number of people in a group has grown.
- This addresses the first growth issue: the number of leaders.
- As I think about and evaluate the ministry I am not sure how well we are doing at "producing reproducing disciples."
- This addresses the second growth issue: the ways people engage with others outside of their current group.
This is not a "poor Pastor Dave" post, so please know
I don't need encouragement, pats on the back and "You are doing a great job. I wouldn't change anything" statements.
I do need your prayers, just like all of our pastors, and help in equipping disciples to be disciple makers. This help could be in the form of suggestions and even more so in each and every one of us evaluating our own lives in light of the Great Commission.
One of the Plumb lines in the book is "Prayer Doesn't Fuel the Ministry. Prayer is the Ministry." You can read more about this Plumb line at www.jdgreear.com/my_weblog/2016/09/prayer-doesnt-prepare-for-ministry-prayer-is-the-ministry.html
I would appreciate your thoughts/responses to this post. You can either comment below for everyone, which would be best, or email me at soulcare@emmanuelbaptist.com.
I would appreciate your thoughts/responses to this post. You can either comment below for everyone, which would be best, or email me at soulcare@emmanuelbaptist.com.
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