
Testimony of Conversion and Calling

A week from today is my ordination council.  I am very excited and a little nervous.
One part of this council is sharing my testimony.  One page of my doctrinal paper is about my testimony and calling.
You can read it in the paper HERE or read it below. 

In preparing for this day, I have been really thinking about the fact that I want this time to be more than just an examination of my knowledge.
I want it to be a time to glorify God for what He has done for me and through me.

I did not grow up in a Christian home.  My parents would go to church occasionally but one of the biggest memories I have growing up was getting picked up in a van and taken to Vacation Bible School.  I began attending this area church more and more.  After some time my parents began attending also.  God used a couple with passion about sharing Jesus with children to connect my family and me with a local church.   

Over time we began attending another church.  At the age of twelve, I was invited to camp.  It was there that God grabbed a hold of my heart.  I do not remember the speaker or the sermon.  I do remember being overwhelmed by the fact that I could not live the life God wanted me to live in my own strength.  I repented of my sin and called out to Jesus to save me.  God provided me with Godly pastors, Sunday school teachers, other mentors and friends to help me grow in my relationship with God.  While I wish my testimony in middle school and high school to my classmates was stronger, I can see how God had been working throughout my life.  Throughout college (Penn State and Roberts Wesleyan College), God provided me with various leadership and ministry opportunities that helped me grow.  One of those opportunities was a mission trip to the Dominican Republic.

Krista grew up in a Christian home attending Emmanuel Baptist Church and Emmanuel Christian School.  When she was ten years old, Jesus saved her from her sin.  After talking with her mom, she prayed, asking God for forgiveness and trusting in Jesus for her salvation.  Growing up at Emmanuel Baptist Church, serving in Sonshine and other ministries and seeing the godly examples of her parents and others helped prepare her for ministry opportunities here, in South Africa and the Dominican Republic. 

Krista and I met while teaching at Santiago Christian School in the Dominican Republic.  I tell people God used my time in the Dominican Republic to grow in me a love for Krista, teaching the Bible and the local church.  My first year in the Dominican Republic, I was excited to teach several mathematics classes and a little frustrated that I had to teach one Bible class.  Over the eight years at Santiago Christian School my responsibilities completely flipped.  During my last year in the Dominican Republic, I taught one math class and all of my other responsibilities were Bible related.  I had many different opportunities to teach and preach the Bible.  For a couple of years I was involved in the leadership of an English Christian fellowship.  Several different individuals shared with me that they could see a passion for and ability to teach the Bible. 

After eight years serving at Santiago Christian School, we returned to the states.  I taught at Emmanuel Christian School for four years.  During this time I served as an Adult Bible Fellowship teacher, middle school youth sponsor and deacon at Emmanuel Baptist Church.  This time in Toledo proved very helpful and encouraging.  People in our local church affirmed my passion and ability to teach the Bible and lead.  We decided to go to Baptist Bible Seminary for more training.

Our time at Baptist Bible College and Seminary proved to be another challenging and affirming time.  While serving as dorm parents, a rescue mission chaplain and in other areas, God continued to provide opportunities for me to grow as a teacher and leader. 

Over the last six years, we have been blessed to serve at Emmanuel Baptist Church.

1 comment:

Grammy said...

Awesome testimony, David ! Glad I had the privilege of being your mom !