
Managing Your Emotions from Mom's Matters

Spoke at Emmanuel's Mom's Matter meeting this morning.

Here are some resources connected with this mornings Mom's Matter meeting.

Our theme was Managing Your Emotions

Main points.

1.  God created us in his image with emotions.
2.  Emotions are not bad.  Sin is bad.
3.  Our hope needs to be in Jesus.

You don't need more parenting advice

For more about these fourteen principles click HERE

Your emotions are a gauge not a guide

Talking about Inside Out
Some great ideas on how to use the movie Inside Out to talk about emotions.
1.  Help them recognize different emotions.
2.  Help them recognize what their emotions indicate they're wanting.
3.  Help them trust God with their desires.

How to handle fear


How to handle shame


How to prepare your children for suffering


Just for Fun.  

Snicker's Video

Here are all of the candy bar questions.

  1. Witherspoon's nut-paste mugs (Reese's Peant Butter Cups)  Reese Witherspoon
  2. Belonging to a controversial rap artist (M&Ms) Eminem's
  3. Sweet polka partners (Dots)
  4. Misfiring moo juice or moo juice bombs (Milk Duds)
  5. Nickname of someone who's always dropping things (Butterfinger)
  6. Best time to go shopping or when wages are disbursed (Pay Day)
  7. What the silly rabbit with a lisp doesn't know is for kids (Twix)
  8. Single women look for him (Mr. Goodbar)
  9. Nut happiness (Almond Joy)
  10. Pint-sized storehouses of large sums of cash (Junior Mints)
  11. Half suppressed laughter (Snickers)
  12. 10 X 10 G's or one tenth of a million (100 Grand)
  13. One million dollars (1000 Grand)
  14. Indian burial grounds (Mounds)
  15. Citrus craniums (Lemon Heads)
  16. Popular English pub game or nine pins (Skittles)
  17. Steve Urkel, Screech, and Ugly Betty (Nerds)
  18. paddle close to the ground (Rolo) Row low
  19. Explosive Gravel (Pop Rocks)
  20. Mechanical pocket candy you stick your neck out for (Pez)

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