
Dads, Write in Your Bible & Demonstrate Generosity

Dads, write in your Bible!  
This article,
 www.desiringgod.org/articles/dads-write-in-your-bible, challenges dads to write in their Bible with the purpose of sharing this Bible with their children.  I recently started doing this and it has been great thinking about Bible verses I want them to remind them of.
"We read the Bible not just for ourselves, but for our families, for our friends, for our community. We know that God doesn’t transform his people into dead-ends, but into rivers of living water. Deciding on a route and digging in on that resolve has more in view than our own souls. This is especially true for dads."
Dads, demonstrate generosity and provide opportunities for your children to demonstrate generosity!
I want to suggest to very practical, very specific ways you can do this this.
Demonstrate generosity by donating to the The Daughter Project this Father's Day (Father's Day for The Daughter Project - #fd4tdp).  HERE is a post about talking to your children about Human Trafficking.  At Emmanuel Baptist Church, we are continuing our Father's Day for the Daughter Project gift.  A donation to the Daughter will be made in honor of the fathers at EBC.
Provide opportunities to demonstrate generosity by helping your kids find ways to earn money that they will give to this year's special Sonshine offering.  Don't just give them money to drop in the bucket.  Make them work for what they intend to give.  This INTENTIONAL GIVING is so much more helpful than begging for a few coins before they head into church.
Remember parents you are the primary disciple maker in your child's life.

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