Christmas 2020

Our Christmas letter can be read HERE.

Merry Christmas!!! Our Christmas masks up!

Here is another family picture with our lovely smiles visible to all.

Joel is in the middle of a very unique senior year.
Thank you Karis Ryan for doing a great job with Joel's senior pictures.

Josiah is a freshman and almost a tall as me, with his hair he is even closer.

This is Jadyn's last year in elementary school with Krista. 

We have been doing Advent devotionals from The Christmas We Didn’t Expect by David Mathis. In the Introduction, he writes, 

[Jesus] came not to supply us with the bells and whistles of a commercial Christmas, but he ‘suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God’ (1 Peter 3:18).” 

Other Advent devotional posts are HERE.  

Jesus is the “everlasting Lord,” who from “highest heaven” comes down 
to be the “offspring of the virgin’s womb.”

What did he come to do?
His mission is to see “God and sinners reconciled.”

How did he accomplish it?
He “lays his glory by,” that we “no more may die.”

How can this life be ours?
Through an inward, spiritual regeneration so radical 
that it can be called “the second birth.”

From Hidden Christmas by Timothy Keller

This year, it is been our goal to live out Psalm 115:1.

A song that has been a helpful encouragement to us is City Alight’s 
“Yet Not I But Christ In Me.”  One part of this song says…

The night is dark, but I am not forsaken
For by my side, the Savior He will stay
I labor on in weakness and rejoicing, 
For in my need, His power is displayed

We are so thankful for God’s amazing grace
that we can celebrate at Christmas
and throughout the year.


Unknown said...

It was so nice to meet your family this past week. My kiddos really enjoyed swimming with yours. Wishing you a happy new year

mom said...

I just loved the photos and the songs that were posted. I really needed all the encouragement it gave me.